question archive P a g e | 1 S y l l a b u s L a s t U p d a t e d 1 / 2 / 2 0 2 1 Underg raduate Course Syllabus OL 421: Strategic Management and Policy Center: Online Course Prerequisites CE: Completion of 111 Credits; UC: ACC 202, ACC 205 or HOS 202; MKT 113 or MKT 105; ENG 200 and completion of 90 credits Course Description Business School Capstone Course
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P a g e | 1 S y l l a b u s L a s t U p d a t e d 1 / 2 / 2 0 2 1 Underg raduate Course Syllabus OL 421: Strategic Management and Policy Center: Online Course Prerequisites CE: Completion of 111 Credits; UC: ACC 202, ACC 205 or HOS 202; MKT 113 or MKT 105; ENG 200 and completion of 90 credits Course Description Business School Capstone Course. This interdisciplinary approach to the study of the process of strategic management includes strategic analysis planning, implementation, evaluation and control from the perspective of top management in p rofit -making U.S. and international corporations, and public and non - profit organizations. Text and case studies are used extensively. Writing and team intensive course. Experience with Microsoft Office or equivalent is required. Senior standing or permis sion of instructor. Course Outcomes • Demonstrate business communication skills and etiquette for constructing personal and professional reflections in a variety of business environments • Analyze strategic problem -solving skills for enhancing business success • Analyze the use of quantitative and qualitative tools for informing strategic decision -making • Assess ethical, legal, and social challenges for suggesting improvement and enhancement strategies • Assess peer -to-peer and peer -to-leader collab oration for improving performance and decision making • Analyze global business markets for informing future business expansion choices • Analyze entrepreneurial and innovative approaches for solving authentic business problems Undergraduate Business Core Co mpetencies 1. Communication: Students will demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively through written, oral, and other forms of communication 2. Informational Technology: Students will master information technology principles and contemporary information technology applications and will be able to apply information technology to the greatest advantage in the many aspects of an organization’s operations 3. Problem Solving: Students will develop the skills to identify problems quickly, analyze them reasonably, and find solutions creatively 4. Teamwork: Students will develop a broad range of interpersonal skills in order to function effectively as a participant in team and group situations P a g e | 2 S y l l a b u s L a s t U p d a t e d 1 / 2 / 2 0 2 1 5. Analytical Skills: Students will appropriately use and apply quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis, data, applied mathematical and statistical techniques, and decision sciences whenever possible to attain organizational objectives 6. Global Orientation: Students will attain a multidisciplinary global perspective in order to understand others and make more effective international business decisions 7. Legal and Ethical Practices: Students will realize the legal and ethical considerations and implications of personal, social, business, and international business behavior and acti vities 8. Research: Students will be able to conduct primary and secondary research and apply the results for informed decision making 9. Strategic Approach: Students will be able to think and plan strategically in making business decisions 10. Leadership: Students will be able to function effectively as a team and organization leader Required Materials Using your learning resources is critical to your success in this course. Please purchase directly through the SNHU Online Bookstore rather than any other vendor. Purchasing directly from the bookstore ensures th at you will obtain the correct materials and that the IT Service Desk , your advisor, and the instructor can provide you with support if you have problems. Capsim Foundation Students will purchase access to the Capsim Foundation business simulation and par ticipate in eight competitive rounds in the simulation. Capsim Foundations / Comp -Xm (Custom Package) Management Simulation, Inc. SKU #: 1511692 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion As indicated in our core values, SNHU is committed to “embrace diversity where we encourage and respect diverse identities, ideas, and perspectives by honoring difference, amplifying belonging, engaging civilly, and breaking down barriers to bring our mission to life.” This may or will be reflected in SNHU’s curricul um as we embrace and practice diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to provide the most transformative experience for our students, faculty, and staff. Because topics pertaining to DEI can be sensitive, please remember that embodying and practicing divers ity, equity, and inclusion is one of our core values that you will encounter throughout the academic experience. In higher education, we are expected to think and engage critically. Use a growth mindset to embrace the diverse readings, course assignments, and experiences of your peers and faculty. For more information about DEI at SNHU, please visit our website at the Office of Diversity and Inclusion . Instructor Availability and Response Time Your class interact ion with the instructor and your classmates will take place on a regular, ongoing basis. Your instructor will be actively engaged within the course throughout the week. You will normally communicate with your instructor in the weekly discussions or the Gen eral Questions discussion topic so that your questions and the P a g e | 3 S y l l a b u s L a s t U p d a t e d 1 / 2 / 2 0 2 1 instructor’s answers benefit the entire class. You should feel free, however, to communicate with your instructor via SNHU email at any time, particularly when you want to discuss something of a personal or sensitive nature. Your instructor will generally provide a response within 24 hours. Instructors will post grades and feedback (as applicable) within seven days of an assignment’s due date, or within seven days of a late submission. Grade Distribution Assignment Category Number of Graded Items Point Value per Item Total Points Capsim 110 Introductory Lesson and Quiz 1 Rehearsal Tutorial and Quiz 1 Practice Round 1 1 Practice Round 2 1 Competitive Round Participation 8 Discussions 6 15 90 Comp XM 1 100 100 Final Project 700 Midway Company Performance Summary 1 100 Final Company Performance Summary 1 600 Total Course Points: 1,000 This course may also contain practice activities. The purpose of these non -graded activities is to assist you in mastering the learning outcomes in the graded activity items listed above. University Grading System: Undergraduate Grade Numerical Equivalent Points A 93–100 4 A? 90–92 3.67 B+ 87–89 3.33 B 83–86 3 B? 80–82 2.67 C+ 77–79 2.33 C 73–76 2 C? 70–72 1.67 D+ 67–69 1.33 D 60–66 1 F 0–59 0 I Incomplete IF Incomplete/Failure * P a g e | 4 S y l l a b u s L a s t U p d a t e d 1 / 2 / 2 0 2 1 * Please refer to the policy page for information on the incomplete grade process. Grading Guides Specific activity directions, grading guides, posting requirements, and additional deadlines can be found in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course. Weekly Assignment Schedule All reading and assignment information can be found within each module of the course. Assignments and discussion posts during the first week of each term are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Assignments and discussion posts for the remainder of the term are due by 11:59 p.m. of the student’s local time zone. In addition to the textbook read ings that are listed, there may be additional required resources within each module. Module Topics and Assignments 1 Capsim Orientation 1-1 Discussion: Getting Started 1-2 Top Five Questions About OL 421 1-3 Interactive Roll -Over Document Review 1-4 Introductory Lesson Video and Quiz in Capsim 1-5 Rehearsal Tutorial and Quiz in Capsim 1-6 Practice Rounds 1 and 2 1-7 Final Project Review 2 Decision -Making Strategies Based on Forecasting 2-1 Discussion: Strategy 2-2 Decision Tips Document Review 2-3 Capsim Competitive Round 1 3 Situational Analysis/Awareness 3-1 Discussion: Debrief Round 1 3-2 Capsim Competitive Rounds 2 and 3 4 Rationalizing Strategies for Capacity 4-1 Discussion: Debrief Rounds 2 and 3 4-2 Capsim Competitive Round 4 5 Strategic Process 5-1 Midway Company Performance Summary (PowerPoint) 5-2 Midway Company Performance Summary Peer Review 5-3 Capsim Competitive Rounds 5 and 6 Grade Numerical Equivalent Points IP In Progress (past end of term) W Withdrawn P a g e | 5 S y l l a b u s L a s t U p d a t e d 1 / 2 / 2 0 2 1 Module Topics and Assignments 6 Creating Wealth 6-1 Discussion: Debrief Rounds 4, 5, and 6 6-2 Capsim Competitive Rounds 7 and 8 7 The Stakeholders 7-1 Final Project: Final Company Performance Summary 8 CompXM and Career 8-1 Comp -XM 8-2 Discussion: Career Resources Attendance Policy Online students are required to submit a graded assignment/discussion during the first week of class. If a student does not submit a graded assignment/discussion during the first week of class, the student is automatically dropped from the course for non -participation. Review the full attendance policy . Late Assignments Policy Meeting assigned due dates is critical for demonstrating progress and ensuring appropriate time for instructor feedback on assignments. Students are expected to submit their assignments on or befor e the due date. Review the full late assignment policy . SNHU Student Handbook Review the student handbook . ADA/504 Compliance Statement In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008, Southern New Hampshire University does not discriminate on the basis of disability, including intellectual disability, in admission, treatment, or access to its programs or activities, nor does it discriminate in employment in its programs or activities. The universi ty prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of disability and takes action to prevent such discrimination by providing reasonable accommodations to eligible individuals with disabilities. A disability is a condition or impairment that impacts a “majo r life activity” or “major bodily function.” • Major life activities include, but are not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, readin g, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working. • Major bodily functions include, but are not limited to, functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, and digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, a nd reproductive functions. Disabilities include physical, medical (including pregnancy), mental health, and learning needs. P a g e | 6 S y l l a b u s L a s t U p d a t e d 1 / 2 / 2 0 2 1 At the beginning of each term, or as soon as you become aware of a disability or accessibility concern, we encourage you to contact the Online Accessibility Center (OAC) to discuss accommodations for which you may be qualified. Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between the student and the OAC. Note that accommodations are not retroactive and th at disability accommodations are not provided until acceptable documentation of a disability and its impact is received and an accommodation letter has been processed. If you are unsure whether your condition qualifies as a disability or accessibility conc ern, please contact the OAC for determination. Contact Information: Online Accessibility Center Phone: 866 -305 -9430 Email: For questions concerning support services, documentation guidelines, or general disability issues, please visit the Online Accessibility Center website. If you feel you have been denied appropriate disability -rel ated accommodations, including appropriate auxiliary aids and services, you may file a grievance as described in the ADA/504 Grievance Policy found on the Disability and Accessibility Services web site. Academic Honesty Policy Southern New Hampshire University requires all students to adhere to high standards of integrity in their academic work. Activities such as plagiarism and cheating are not condoned by the university. Review the full academic honesty policy . Copyright Policy Southern New Hampshire University abides by the provisions of United States Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). Any person who infringes the copyright law is liable. Review the full copyright policy . SNHU Withdrawal Policy Review the full withdrawal policy . Southern New Hampshire University Policies More information about SNHU policies can be found on the policy page . Student Work Samples For the purpose of continuous improvement of our educational training, Southern New Hampshire Uni versity may, on occasion, utilize anonymous student work samples for internal professional development and staff training. If you would like to withdraw permission for use of your work, please complete the Student Work Sample Survey .