question archive “A Celebration of Grandfathers” by Rudolfo Anaya Diction and Syntax Worksheet Read the passages below and answer the associated questions
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“A Celebration of Grandfathers” by Rudolfo Anaya Diction and Syntax Worksheet
Read the passages below and answer the associated questions.
“‘Buenos dias le de Dios, abuelo.’ God give you a good day, grandfather. This is how I was taught as a child to greet my grandfather, or any grown person. It was a greeting of respect, a cultural value to be passed on from generation to generation, this respect for the old ones….
“These ancianos (old people, ancestors) from the cultures of the Rio Grande, living side by side, sharing, growing together, they knew the rhythms and cycles of time, from the preparation of the earth in the spring to the digging of the acequias that brought the water to the dance of harvest in the fall. They shared good times and hard times. They helped each other through the epidemics and the personal tragedies, and they shared what little they had when the hot winds burned the land and no rain came. They learned that to survive one had to share in the process of life” (444).
1. The essay begins with a sentence in Spanish. What is Anaya’s purpose in doing this?
2. What is the primary purpose of this part of the essay? Narrative, persuasive, or reflective?
3. The tone of this passage is ---------- cheerful and joyful -------------.
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