question archive A firm can take environmental friendly strategies in packaging purposely for conserving the environment
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A firm can take environmental friendly strategies in packaging purposely for conserving the environment. These strategies include the reduction of the number of materials for packing used, the use of packages that are environmentally friendly, the use of reusable containers and giving support to the services that involve the collection and recycling of packages (Murphy & Donald, pp 203 & 204).
The improvement of the performance system can be affected by the reduction of packing. For instance, the carriers’ tariffs and carriers’ classifications affect the nature of packaging and the packing techniques that should be used. Moreover, the specifications of the carrier for defensive packaging cut the probability of destruction to products during carriage. this decreases the loss amount and the damage allegations that do not favor the carrier (Murphy & Donald, pp 206 & 207).  .
Among the ten principles of material handling, the most surprising ones are the ergonomic principle and the working principle. The ergonomic principle aims at adapting work to suit the worker's ability. This principle is surprising because of the fact that it tries to encompass the worker's mental tasks something that appears almost impossible. The other principle is surprising because the minimization of material handling work without sacrificing productivity is not an easy task and is tricky (Murphy & Donald, pp213).
The fragmented logistics and unified logistic of the organizational structure are comparable because, in both, the multiple logistics activities can be put in the same department despite their differences. These two logistic structures, however, differ because, in a fragmented logistics structure, the activities management is in multiple departments while in the unified logistic structure, all the activities are managed in one department. Moreover, the classification of a unified logistics structure is based on the quantity and the action given to the department. The classification of fragmented logistic structure is, however, based on quantity and the activity given to various departments (Murphy & Donald, pp 57 & 58).
The network organizational plan can be manifested in terms of responsiveness, relevancy, and flexibility. For responsiveness, the manifestation can be via the provision of appropriate information to the suitable decision-makers. For relevancy, the manifestation can be via the development of a mutually valuable relationship with the main customers. Moreover, for flexibility, the manifestation can be via predicating on evading early obligation to a permanent line of action (Murphy & Donald, pp 58 & 60).
Some potential problems experienced when improving productivity via getting extra output from obtainable assets include transportation problems and warehousing problems. For instance, during transportation, evaluation of the transporters work is not easy because, at the time of transportation, the transporter is out of immediate supervision. At the warehouse, the warehousing facilities contain visibly articulated rules of work, which assist in minimize the workers unproductive or destructive activities. This, however, may not be effective except when it is enforced (Murphy & Donald, pp 61 & 64).
The customer’s trade partnership works toward preventing terrorism by trade-in and transportation.