question archive New Perspectives Access 2019 | Module 6: End of Module Project 1 Homestead Partners Working with forms and reports GETTING STARTED Open the file NP_AC19_EOM6-1_FirstLastName_1

New Perspectives Access 2019 | Module 6: End of Module Project 1 Homestead Partners Working with forms and reports GETTING STARTED Open the file NP_AC19_EOM6-1_FirstLastName_1

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New Perspectives Access 2019 | Module 6: End of Module Project 1

Homestead Partners

Working with forms and reports

  • Open the file NP_AC19_EOM6-1_FirstLastName_1.accdb, available for download from the SAM website.
  • Save the file as NP_AC19_EOM6-1_FirstLastName_2.accdb by changing the “1” to a “2”.
    • If you do not see the .accdb file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
  • To complete this SAM Project, you will also need to download and save the following data files from the SAM website onto your computer:
    • Support_AC19_EOM6-1_Draft.png
    • Support_AC19_EOM6-1_Manager.png
  • Open the _GradingInfoTable table and ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the table. If the table does not contain your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.
  1. Homestead Partners is a company that connects independent home owners with long-term renters. You work in the Customer Service Department of Homestead Partners as a data analyst. You are developing an Access database application to help manage and analyze several types of customer service data, including property and property manager effectiveness. In this project, you will improve an existing database by formatting, modifying, and creating new forms and reports. You will also modify several different types of form and report controls.

    Create a split form from the Managers table. Save the form with the name SplitManagers and close it.
  2. Open the ManagerEntry form in Design View and change the Record Source for the form to the SortedManagers query. Change the tab order so that the SignonBonus field is in the third position in the Detail section. Save and close the ManagerEntry form.
  3. In Design View of the PropertyEntry form, use the Combo Box Wizard to add a combo box to the form just below the City text box. Get the values from the StateAbbreviations table.  Select both fields for the columns in the combo box. Do not add any sort orders, hide the key column, and store the value in the State field. Enter State as the label for the combo box and save the PropertyEntry form.
  4. While still in Design View of the PropertyEntry form, add a check box control to the upper right area of the Detail section at approximately the 3.5" mark on the horizontal ruler and just below the Detail section bar. Modify the Control Source property of the check box to the ScenicView field and use View? as the Caption of the accompany label. Save and view the form in Form View as shown in Figure 1, and then close the PropertyEntry form.

* Figure 1: PropertyEntry Form


The figure shows the final PropertyEntry form in Form View. It shows the State as the label and combo box below the existing controls. It also shows the new View? Label and check box control in the upper right corner of the form.


  1. Open the HomeStyles form in Design View. Select the four controls in the Detail section and apply a Stacked Layout to them. Expand the Detail section to be about 3" tall.  Use the Subform Wizard to add the PropertyNo, City, and State fields from the Properties table as a subform control positioned just below the Description label. Use the default link and name for the subform. Save and view the form in Form View as shown in Figure 2, and then close the HomeStyles form.

* Figure 2: HomeStyles Form


The figure shows the final HomeStyles form in Form View with the new subform that contains the PropertyNo, City, and State fields.


  1. Open the ManagerEntry form in Layout View. Add a new text box to the form and move it just below the Signon Bonus text box. Use Phone as the Caption for the accompanying label and use CellPhone as the Control Source property for the text box.  Save the ManagerEntry form.
  2. Switch the ManagerEntry form to Design View and left align the left edges of the InterviewScoreRealEstateTestScore, and CustomerServiceTestScore text boxes.  Add a rectangle control around the six controls (three labels and three text boxes) that represent the Interview, Real Estate, and Customer Service scores. Save the ManagerEntry form.
  3. With the ManagerEntry form still open in Design View, insert the Support_AC19_EOM6-1_Manager.png image found in the default folder at the top edge of the Form Header at about the 2.5" mark on the horizontal ruler. Save and view the form in Form View as shown in Figure 3, and then close the ManagerEntry form.

* Figure 3: ManagerEntry Form


The figure shows the final ManagerEntry form in Form View with the new Phone label and CellPhone text box added below the Signon Bonus controls. It also shows the left edges of the Interview Score, RealEstateTestScore, and CustomerServiceTestScore text boxes aligned to the left as well as a rectangle control around those three text boxes as well as their accompanying labels.It also shows the new image from the Support_AC19_EOM6-1_Manager.png in the Form Header section.


  1. Open the ManagerScores report in Design View and add a rectangle control around the three text boxes on the right side of the Detail section that display score information. Apply the shape fill of the rectangle control to transparent. Add a horizontal line to the Report Footer section, just above the three text boxes that calculate the average scores for the report. Save and view the report in Report View as shown in Figure 4, and then close the ManagerScores report.

* Figure 4: ManagerScores Report


The figure shows the final ManagerScores report in Report View with a transparent rectangle control around the three text boxes on the right side of the Detail section that display score information. A horizontal line has been added to the Report Footer section, just above the three text boxes that calculate the average scores for the report.


  1. Open the Properties report in Design View and add the Support_AC19_EOM6-1_Draft.png image as a background image to the report. Save and view the report in Print Preview as shown in Figure 5, and then close the Properties report.

* Figure 5: Properties Report


The figure shows the final Properties report in Print Preview View with the Support_AC19_EOM6-1_Draft.png file as a background image to the report.


Save and close any open objects in your database. Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

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