question archive Book: Strategic Management Concept and Cases As the capstone project for this course, you will complete a case analysis in which you will demonstrate your understanding of all the key concepts covered throughout the term

Book: Strategic Management Concept and Cases As the capstone project for this course, you will complete a case analysis in which you will demonstrate your understanding of all the key concepts covered throughout the term

Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3

Book: Strategic Management Concept and Cases

As the capstone project for this course, you will complete a case analysis in which you will demonstrate your understanding of all the key concepts covered throughout the term. You may select any one of the 20 cases included in Part 4 of the textbook.  For details on each of the components, you may reference “Preparing an Effective Case Analysis” on page C-4 in the textbook. 

In a paper of no fewer than 2000 words, you must complete a detailed case analysis. The main components (found in Table 2 page C-6) are:

  1. Strategic Profile & Case Analysis Purpose
  2. Situation Analysis
    1. General environmental analysis
    2. Industry analysis
    3. Competitor analysis
    4. Internal analysis
  3. Identification of Environmental Opportunities and Threats, and Firm Strengths and Weaknesses (SWOT analysis)
  4. Strategy Formulation
    1. Strategic Alternatives
    2. Alternative evaluation
    3. Alternative choices
  5. Strategic Alternative implementation
    1. Action items
    2. Action plan

Please follow the basic outline and be sure to use headers to identify each section/component of your analysis.  You will also need to perform research and reference at least 10 outside sources throughout your analysis. While there is a great deal of information contained within the case, examples/details from scholarly, academic resources (or reputable business websites/reports) will lend strong support to your assertions throughout the analysis. 

Please remember that all submissions will be checked via Turn-It-In similarity detection software, so be sure to cite your sources properly (both in-text and on the references page at the end). As graduate students, refrain from excessive quoting; best practice entails summarizing the ideas in your own words and using a citation to note the source of the idea you’re summarizing. Use APA style, as this is the preferred style for the Business field.


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