question archive MCJ 6453, Global Terrorism 1 Cou rse Learning Outcomes for Unit VIII Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 8

MCJ 6453, Global Terrorism 1 Cou rse Learning Outcomes for Unit VIII Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 8

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MCJ 6453, Global Terrorism 1 Cou rse Learning Outcomes for Unit VIII Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 8. Assess the future threats relating to global terrorist activity. 8.1 Determine if targeted killings are effective in preventing future terror attacks. Course/Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Activity 8.1 Unit Lesson Chapter 16 Unit VIII Reflection Paper Reading Assignment Chapter 16: Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, and the Future Unit Lesson Introduction: The Future of Global Terrorism In this unit, you will learn and reflect about the future of global terrorism and its impact on the international community from the perspective of terrorist organizations, lone wolf terrorists, and the global organizations that counter these terrorist threats . As time moves forward, additional counterterrorism tactics, legislation, and additional strategies are going to have to occur to continue to prepare for, mitigate, respond, and recover from domestic and global terrorist attacks that will imminently occur. However, many questions must be posed and answered in order for the United States to stay one step ahead of the enemy. As future researchers and criminal justice/homeland security professionals, you MUST ask questions. You MUST understand how to answer each of these questions as future subject matter experts and researchers. This course has outlined that there will be a continual rise in lone wolf terrorism, domestic terrorist attacks, and global terrorism. Further, it is no secret that the Unite d States and our allies need to work together to improve relations and to build better relationships and join forces to end terrorism. However, what suggestions do you have? Use this unit to reflect on the past seven units of coursework. Below you will rev iew an example of how to ask the important questions when reviewing the roles, missions, and priorities of government agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investi gation (FBI). Futures Roles and Responsibilities of Federal Agencies (Local, State, and Fe deral) In this unit, it is important to reflect back at the local, state, and federal agencies that play an active role in protecting the United States from terrorist attacks. One of those key agencies is the FBI. You learned that the overall mission of the FBI is to protect the United States and to uphold the U.S. Constitution. How does the FBI complete this task following the September 11, 2001 attacks ? How did they complete this task in a pre -9/11 era? What has changed? The FBI has learned through many difficult lessons and terrorist attacks since 9/11 that the general priorities had to UNIT VIII STUDY GUIDE The Future of Global Terrorism Asking questions (Ilianamihal eva, 2014) MCJ 6453, Global Terrorism 2 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title change in order to be successful in the fight against terrorism in the homeland. However, further analysis and changes will need to occur in the future. Reflection The FBI has several generalized priorities that define its overall mission and goals as a federal government agency. These priorities are generalized and may require revisions soon to keep up with the changing trends of global terrorism. Several questions must be posed as the FBI continues to evolve and remain transparent in counterterrorism tactics with local, state, and other federal agencies focused on protecting the United States and our allies from terrorist attacks. Review the material below and reflect on how you would answer each of these questions as a researcher and graduate level student at Columbia Southern University (CSU). The four general priorities of the FBI that focus on counterterrorism are listed below . 1. The FBI aims to protect against acts of terrorism against the United State s (FBI, 2016 ). The FBI has gone above and beyond to protect the United States from terrorist attacks. However, many lessons have also be en learned over the years. When considering adding or changing the generalized priority of protecting the United States from future terrorist attacks, specific questions must be reflected upon: ? In what ways has terrorism changed since 9/11? ? What terrorist attacks have occurred in the United States since 9/11? ? What terrorist attacks have occurred at United States critical infrastructures and targets around the globe? ? In what ways has the definition of terrorism changed for the FBI? ? Does the FBI need to update the definition of terrorism? ? Does the FBI need to update its mission to focus more on countering terrorism in the United States and abroad? ? How have the tactics used by domestic terrorist groups changed? ? How have the tactics used by lone wolf terrorists changed? ? What communication protoco ls need to be updated between the FBI and other local, state, and federal agencies? ? Do the relationships and partnerships that the FBI has with the private sector need to change? ? What legislation under the scope and direction of the FBI needs to be updated ? ? What additional technologies should the FBI be using to counter terrorism? 2. In addition to terrorist attacks, the FBI looks to prevent espionage (FBI, 2016 ). One of the key priorities of the FBI is to protect the secrets and intelligence of the United States. This is done through effective counterintelligence tactics. However, research has indicated that espionage and foreign intelligence operations on United S tates soil has increased and will continue to rise in the near to distant future. When considering adding or changing the generalized priority of protecting the United States from future foreign intelligence operations and espionage, specific questions mus t be reflected upon: ? How have foreign intelligence operations changed since 9/11? ? What lessons have been learned about foreign intelligence operations in the United States (i.e. , Russia) ? ? What additional espionage threats exist today? ? How has the act of espionage changed over time? ? What can be done to strengthen relationships with foreign intelligence agencies to counter espionage and acts of global terrorism? FBI principles (FBI, 2016) MCJ 6453, Global Terrorism 3 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title ? How can the United States work with the United Nations to strengthen communication downfalls tha t exist today with non -NATO nations and other countries supporting terrorism? 3. With the presence of the Internet, the FBI must also protect the Unit ed States from technology -based crimes (FBI, 2016 ). In Uni t VII, many of the cyber threats that face the United States and our critical infrastructures were discussed in detail. However, as you have learned, cyber -based attacks on the U nited States and our allies are going to continue to become more diverse and so phisticated. W hen considering adding or changing the generalized priority of protecting the United States from cyber -based attacks and high technology crimes, specific questions must be reflected upon: ? What specific cyber -based attacks can occur today? ? Ho w are the cyber -based threats of today going to evolve based on current -day research? ? What additional agencies can the FBI work with to strengthen cyber -based attack counterterrorism tactics? ? Do relationships with the public sector need to be strengthened? If so, how? Why? ? How have high -technology crimes changed since 9/11? ? What a re the future classifications of high -technology crimes? ? How will terrorists continue to use high -technology crimes to fund their attacks and missions? ? As critical infrastructures continue to become more “privatized” in the near and distant future, how will this change the role and mission of the FBI in protecting these critical infrastructures from cyber -based attacks? ? What additional collaboration efforts between the FBI and local and state agencies need to take place? ? What additional future federal legislation can the FBI advocate for to prevent cyber -based attacks? Will this include revisions to the USA PATRIOT Act and additional current federal legislation? 4. Finally, the FBI loo ks to fight against organized crime (FBI, 2016 ). Cr imes that occur in other nations and cross U.S. borders and the borders of our allies are very difficult to counter. The FBI has done a phenomenal job since 9/11 in countering these activities. However, mo re must be done as these transnational criminal organizations are working with domestic and international terrorist organizations to fund their operations across international borders. W hen considering adding or changing the generalized priority of protect ing the United States from transnational and national criminal organizations and enterprises, specific questions must be reflected upon: ? What are the top transnational crimes occurring post 9/11? ? How are transnational organizations working with terrorist organizations? ? Are these transnational organizations and crime syndicates considered global terrorist organizations themselves? ? How can the FBI strengthen interagency task forces (local, state, and federal) to counter transnational organizations and enterp rises? ? How can the FBI work with the United Nations to strengthen international laws, conventions, and security resolutions to counter transnational crimes? How will this benefit the global community? In reviewing each of these four key priorities, you c an assess that inquiries will need to take place in order for agencies such as the FBI to remain vigilant and successful in countering global terrorist organization s. The reflection and analysis performed above can be completed on any local, state, and federal government agency that plays an active role in preventing and responding to domestic and international terrorist attacks. FBI investigating cybercrime (Vladnik, 2017) MCJ 6453, Global Terrorism 4 UNIT x STUDY GUIDE Title National Counterterrorism Center In addition to revising roles, missions, and priorities, it is important to reflect on the active partnerships that agencies have with one another. One of the partnerships that the FBI and many other local, state, and federal agencies share is with the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). The NCTC is part of the Office of the Director of Nat ional Intelligence and is one of the key organizations that works with agencies in regards to domestic and global counterterrorism tactics and efforts. The NCTC performs this task through many strategies that include pattern analysis across local, state, f ederal, public, and private databases. This information is typically shared with intelligence agencies in the United States. The intelligence agencies then analyze the data and use it as needed. Additionally, the FBI and other federal agencies have partnerships and collaboration relationships with the organizations below. ? Terrorist Screening Center o To learn more about the Terrorist Screening Center, visit the following URL: -and -structure/national -security -branch/tsc ? Violent Gang Task Forces o To learn more about the Violent Gang Task Forces that exist around the natio n, visit the following URL: -crime/gangs/violent -gang -task -forces ? Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) o To learn more about th e JTTF s that exist around the nation, visit the following URL: -terrorism -task -forces ? National Cyber Investigative Joint Ta sk Force (NCIJTF) o To learn more about the NCIJTF , visit the following URL: -cyber -investigative -joint -task -force Conclusion In this unit, you have learned about the importance of asking questions and reflecting on global terrorism activities and counterterrorism tactics. History has demonstrated that intentional terrorism will not stop, and the United States an d its allies must form an alliance in order to conquer the enemy. References Federal Bureau of Investiga tion. (2016). Mission & priorities. Retrieved from Ilianamihaleva. (2014). Ask the right questions concept , ID 44364590 [Image]. Retrieved from -photo -ask -right -questions -concept -text -background - image44364590 Vladnik. (2017). The virus and the FBI logo , ID 9511582 6 [Image]. Retrieved from -photo -virus -fbi -logo -magnifying -glass -background -computer - code -image95115826 Learning Activities (Nong raded) Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. Y ou do not have to submit them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information. In this course, you have learned that the relationship between the United States and the United Nations (UN) is paramount to be successful in countering global terrorism. Brainstorm three additional ways that the UN can strengthen counterterrorism efforts .


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