question archive GO19_AC_CH02_GRADER_2G_HW - Student Scholarships 1

GO19_AC_CH02_GRADER_2G_HW - Student Scholarships 1

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

GO19_AC_CH02_GRADER_2G_HW - Student Scholarships 1.0

GO19ACCH02GRADER2GHWStudent Scholarships1.0


Project Description:

In this project, you will use a database to answer questions about scholarships awarded to students at a college. You will create a relationship between two tables, create a query from an existing query, and create queries using text, numeric, compound, and wildcard criteria based using the fields in one or both tables. You will create calculated fields, group data when calculating statistics, create a crosstab query, and create a parameter query.


Start Access. Open the file 'Student_Access_2G_Student_Scholarships.accdb' downloaded with this project.


Using   Student ID as the common field, create a one-to-many relationship between the   2G Students table and the 2G Scholarships Awarded table. Enforce referential   integrity and enable both cascade options.


Create   a relationship report with normal margins, and save it as 2G Relationships. Close all open objects.


In   the last record of the 2G Students table, change the Student ID from 9999999 to 2839403, and then close the table. (The   related records in the Scholarships Awarded table will automatically update.)


Create   a query in Query Design view based on the 2G Scholarships Awarded table to   answer the question: What is the   scholarship name, amount, and major for scholarships greater than or equal to   $500, sorted in ascending order by the Scholarship Name field? Display   the fields in the order listed in the question. Run the query. Eight records   match the criteria. Save the query as 2G Amount $500 or   More Query.   Close the query.


Copy   the 2G Amount $500 or More Query to create a new query with the name 2G Awards 4th Qtr Query and then redesign the query to answer   the question: Which scholarships   (Scholarship Name) were awarded between 10/1/22 and 12/31/22, for what amount, and for which   student (Student ID), sorted in ascending order by the Award Date field? Display only the fields necessary to answer   the question and in the order listed in the question. Run the query (five   records display). Save the query, and then close the query.


Create a query in Query Design view   based on the 2G Scholarships Awarded table to answer the question: Which scholarships (Scholarship Name) were   awarded for either Math or Business majors for amounts of more than $200,   sorted in descending order by the Amount field? Display the fields in the order   listed in the question. Run the query. Four records match the criteria.   (Hint: If six records display, switch to Design view and combine the majors   on one criteria line using OR.) Save the query as 2G Math OR Business Over $200 Query, and then close the query.


Create   a query in Query Design view based on the 2G Students table to answer the   question: What is the city, student ID,   first name, and last name of students from cities that begin with the letter   L, sorted in ascending order by the City field and by the Last Name field? Run the query (five records display). Save   the query as 2G L Cities Query,   and then close the query.


Create   a query in Query Design view based on the 2G Students table and all of the   fields to answer the question: For   which students is the Postal Code missing? Three records match the   criteria. Run the query (three records display). Save the query as 2G Missing Postal Code Query, and then close the query.


Create a query in Query Design view   based on both tables to answer the question: In ascending order by the Scholarship Name field, and including the   first name and last name of the scholarship recipient, what will be the total   value of each scholarship if the Board of Trustees donates an additional 50   percent of each award paid to students? (Hint: First calculate the amount   of the donation, naming the new field Board Donation,   and then run the query to be sure the correct results display (the first   record—Scholarship Name that begins with   Amanda—has a Board Donation of 125).


Display   the query in Design view. In the sixth column of the design grid, create a   new field named Total Donation   that will calculate and display the total donation when the amount is added   to the Board's donation amount. Run the query.


Display   the query in Design view. Use the Property Sheet to format the Board Donation   field as Currency with 0 decimal places and the Total Donation field with 0   decimal places, and then close the Property Sheet. Run the query (the first   record—Scholarship Name that begins with   Amanda—has a Total Donation of $375.00), apply Best Fit to the   fields, save the query as 2G Board Donation Query,   and then close the query.


Create a query in Query Design view   based on the 2G Scholarships Awarded table and the Sum aggregate function to   answer the question: For each major,   what is the total scholarship amount, sorted in descending order by the   Amount field? Use the Property Sheet to format the Amount field with 0   decimal places, and then close the Property Sheet. Run the query (for the   Major of History, the total scholarship amount is $1,850). Apply Best Fit to the fields, save the query as 2G Amount by Major   Query, and then close the query.


Use the Query Wizard to create a crosstab   query based on the 2G Scholarships Awarded table with the Student ID field as   row headings and the Major field as column headings. Sum the Amount field,   and name the query 2G Student ID and Major Crosstab Query. Display the query in Design view. Use   the Property Sheet to format the last two columns with 0 decimal places, and   then close the Property Sheet. Run the query, apply Best Fit to the fields,   save the query, and then close the query.


Create a query in Query Design view   based on the 2G Scholarships Awarded table that prompts you to Enter the Major of the student, and then answers the   question: What is the scholarship name   and amount for a major, sorted in ascending order by the Scholarship Name   field? Run the query, and when   prompted, enter history   as the criteria (four records display). Display the query in Design view and   hide the Major field from the results. Run the query again, entering history when prompted. Save the query as 2G Major Parameter   Query, and then close the query.


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