question archive pick FOUR fallacies from below of your own choices, give a relevant example for each of your four fallacies  explain why the relevant examples are fallacious  Irrelevant Expertise/Slippery Slope/False Dilemma/The Gambler's Fallacy/Begging the Question/Sham Reasoning/Rhetoric/Rhetorical Ploys/Appeal to Novelty/Appeal to Popularity/Appeal to Cuteness/Appeal to (Sexiness/Buzzwords/Direct Attack)/Tu quoque/Ad hominen/Assumption-loaded Labels/Weasel Words/Euphemism/Puffery ? Equivocation ? Amphiboly ? Accent ? False Implication ? Ambiguous Comparisons ? Abuses of Vagueness ? Extreme Quantifiers and Intensifiers ? Hype ? Minimizers ? Innuendo ? Phantom Distinction ? Mob Appeal  More Fallacies for Self-Study ? Irrelevant Appeal ? Guilt by Association ? Genetic Appeal ? Poisoning the Well ? Invincible Authority ? Unidentified Experts ? Conflict of Interest ? Division of Expert Opinion ? Positioning ? Appeal to Tradition ? Provincialism ? Two Wrongs ? Straw Person ? Red Herring  More Fallacies for Self-Study ? Small Sample ?UnrepresentativeSample ? Biased Methodology ? Bad Base Line ? Suppressed Evidence ? Questionable Classification ? Questionable Analogy ? The Only Game in Town ? Fallacy of Composition ?FallacyofDivision ? Confusing Correlations with Causes ? Overlooking a Common Cause ? Causal Oversimplification ? Invincible Ignorance ? Ad Ignorantiam  

pick FOUR fallacies from below of your own choices, give a relevant example for each of your four fallacies  explain why the relevant examples are fallacious  Irrelevant Expertise/Slippery Slope/False Dilemma/The Gambler's Fallacy/Begging the Question/Sham Reasoning/Rhetoric/Rhetorical Ploys/Appeal to Novelty/Appeal to Popularity/Appeal to Cuteness/Appeal to (Sexiness/Buzzwords/Direct Attack)/Tu quoque/Ad hominen/Assumption-loaded Labels/Weasel Words/Euphemism/Puffery ? Equivocation ? Amphiboly ? Accent ? False Implication ? Ambiguous Comparisons ? Abuses of Vagueness ? Extreme Quantifiers and Intensifiers ? Hype ? Minimizers ? Innuendo ? Phantom Distinction ? Mob Appeal  More Fallacies for Self-Study ? Irrelevant Appeal ? Guilt by Association ? Genetic Appeal ? Poisoning the Well ? Invincible Authority ? Unidentified Experts ? Conflict of Interest ? Division of Expert Opinion ? Positioning ? Appeal to Tradition ? Provincialism ? Two Wrongs ? Straw Person ? Red Herring  More Fallacies for Self-Study ? Small Sample ?UnrepresentativeSample ? Biased Methodology ? Bad Base Line ? Suppressed Evidence ? Questionable Classification ? Questionable Analogy ? The Only Game in Town ? Fallacy of Composition ?FallacyofDivision ? Confusing Correlations with Causes ? Overlooking a Common Cause ? Causal Oversimplification ? Invincible Ignorance ? Ad Ignorantiam  

Subject:PhilosophyPrice: Bought3

  1. pick FOUR fallacies from below of your own choices,
  2. give a relevant example for each of your four fallacies 
  3. explain why the relevant examples are fallacious 

Irrelevant Expertise/Slippery Slope/False Dilemma/The Gambler's Fallacy/Begging the Question/Sham Reasoning/Rhetoric/Rhetorical Ploys/Appeal to Novelty/Appeal to Popularity/Appeal to Cuteness/Appeal to (Sexiness/Buzzwords/Direct Attack)/Tu quoque/Ad hominen/Assumption-loaded

Labels/Weasel Words/Euphemism/Puffery

  • ? Equivocation
  • ? Amphiboly
  • ? Accent
  • ? False Implication
  • ? Ambiguous Comparisons
  • ? Abuses of Vagueness

? Extreme Quantifiers and Intensifiers

? Hype

? Minimizers

? Innuendo

? Phantom Distinction ? Mob Appeal

 More Fallacies for Self-Study

? Irrelevant Appeal

? Guilt by Association ? Genetic Appeal

? Poisoning the Well ? Invincible Authority ? Unidentified Experts ? Conflict of Interest

? Division of Expert Opinion

? Positioning

? Appeal to Tradition ? Provincialism

? Two Wrongs

? Straw Person

? Red Herring

 More Fallacies for Self-Study

? Small Sample


? Biased Methodology

  • ? Bad Base Line
  • ? Suppressed Evidence
  • ? Questionable Classification
  • ? Questionable Analogy
  • ? The Only Game in Town

? Fallacy of Composition


? Confusing Correlations with Causes

  • ? Overlooking a Common Cause
  • ? Causal Oversimplification
  • ? Invincible Ignorance
  • ? Ad Ignorantiam



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