question archive Write a class called Dragon

Write a class called Dragon

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

Write a class called Dragon. A Dragon should have a name, a level, and a boolean variable, canBreatheFire, indicating whether or not the dragon can breathe fire. The class should have getter methods for all of these variables - getName, getLevel, and isFireBreather, respectively.

Dragon will also need a constructor, a method to gain experience, and a method to attack.

The constructor should take the name as the first argument and the level as the second argument. The constructor should initialize canBreatheFire based on the dragon's level. If the dragon is level 70 or higher, the dragon can breathe fire (meaning the third member variable should be set to true).

You should create three getter (accessor) methods called getName(), getLevel(), and isFireBreather().

You should also create a method called attack(). This method does not return anything. If the dragon can breathe fire, it should print


That's 10 angle brackets, then 14, then 14, then 10 (or copy and paste them!)

If the dragon cannot breathe fire, it should print

~ ~ ~


Finally, you should have a method called gainExperience that takes no parameters. It should add 10 to the dragon's level and update canBreatheFire if necessary.



In summary, you should have the following methods:

  • A constructor that takes two parameters - the name and level (in that order)
  • getName
  • getLevel
  • isFireBreather
  • gainExperience
  • attack


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