question archive Unit 3 - Discussion Board 2 Unit: Foundations of Global Ethics Deliverable Length: 350 words Assignment Objectives Discriminate and interpret diverse moral and ethical perspectives
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Unit 3 - Discussion Board 2
Unit: Foundations of Global Ethics
Deliverable Length: 350 words
Discriminate and interpret diverse moral and ethical perspectives.
The Politics of Fear: Is it ethical?
“Anti-globalization rhetoric in Greece is predominantly articulated in terms of conspiracy theory, mistrust of other cultures and strong nationalist feelings” (Theodossopoulos & Kirtsoglou, 2009, p. 83). That was Greece nearly a decade ago.
Sound familiar in today’s society? And it’s not just here in the United States. Anti-immigrant sentiment, strong nationalist tendencies, and the stoking of fear among the citizenry are happening worldwide. Google “anti-immigrant sentiment” and you’ll see populist movements from Australia to Germany.
Business Community Impact
A. In what ways is the business community impacted by divisive political rhetoric that imperils the stability of capitalism-based democracies?
Business Responsibility
B. What responsibility do business leaders have for ensuring that intolerance, misunderstanding, and overt acts of hate do not grow unabated?
Business Leaders Taking Action
C. Specifically, what can business leaders do to minimize the impact of anti-immigrant sentiment?
Theodossopoulos, D., & Kirtsoglou. E. (Eds.) (2009) United in Discontent: Local Responses to Cosmopolitanism and Globalization. New York, NY: Berghahn Books.
Using Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) from Bloom's Taxonomy, respond to the prompts. Be sure to demonstrate a mastery of the course content through the use of analysis, synthesis, and the application of ideas.
The Ethics of the Syrian Refugee Crisis []
Ethics, National Sovereignty and the Control of Immigration. []