question archive  Group Assignment (Trading Partners)  Group Assignment (Trading Partners)  Trading Partners Project Report Concepts of International Trade BICG9102 (Winter 2021)   GENERAL SUBMISSION FORMAT:   1

 Group Assignment (Trading Partners)  Group Assignment (Trading Partners)  Trading Partners Project Report Concepts of International Trade BICG9102 (Winter 2021)   GENERAL SUBMISSION FORMAT:   1

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 Group Assignment (Trading Partners)

 Group Assignment (Trading Partners)

 Trading Partners Project Report

Concepts of International Trade

BICG9102 (Winter 2021)




1. This report is to be submitted electronically through SafeAssign by July 30, 11:59 pm and will be worth 30%


2. The title (Cover) page of your report must be self-explanatory, and shall contain (minimum) the followings:

Course Number, date, your name, student IDs, instructor’s name, trading Country partners.


3. The acceptable fonts are Times New Roman (size shall be 12pt) and Arial (size shall be 11pt). Line spacing must be 1.5, with 1.0 inch maximum page margins. The main body of your report shall be minimum 5 pages and not exceed 7 pages. This excludes cover page, attachments, the cover sheet, graphs, charts (if any), and references.


4. Reports exceeding 7 pages and less than 5 pages in length would receive lower marks.


5. Citations will be done as per APA referencing and citation method. Your instructor is obliged to check the validity of your referencing and origin of the material.

a. Review the guidelines here

b. Intext citations are a must, and if missing the report will be graded as ZERO for plagiarism.




The purpose of this report is to allow you to develop your understandings of the course material, and to further become familiar with the ABC of international trade between trading partners. In this assignment, one side of the partnership is Canada, to develop your reviewing and reporting skills, and to learn about economic activities in other countries.


As explained earlier, this individual report involves a 5-7 pages on a country of your choice. Your instructor has posted a list of countries and you’re supposed to pick one of them to start your work.


You will not a select a country which is the same as your own country of origin. For example, if you are a student from Nigeria, you cannot select Canada-Nigeria for your report.


A typical draft of the items you are supposed to look at it in the country of your choice are stipulated further down herein. It may not be possible for you to complete every single item on the worksheet exactly as requested. In that case, outline the efforts you made to obtain the data.

The preliminary report of the draft is due online June 25, 11:59 PM and is worth 10% of the 30%.


What can you write about the country of your choice?

You must be able to locate the country on a map and explain about the geography of the country. Be sure to include important geographic features and indicate neighbouring countries.

You don’t need to cover all of these issues. These are just suggestions.


I am interested in your analysis of the economic and international trade information for this country. In particular, how does your country compare with Canada in areas such as:


Physical Factors

Total Population __________ How does population compare to Canada?______

Total Area _______________How does area compare to Canada? _______


Physical Features:

Capital City:

Neighboring Countries:

Three Largest Cities (by population)

Something you learned that you think is interesting:


Political Factors


Head of Government:

Head of State:

Major Political Parties:

Government / political system:

Description of the flag:



Economic Factors


GDP, latest rate of inflation or CPI:

Economic structure (Institution-based dominant or resource-based)

Major resources and capabilities of the country:

Major export markets:

Major import sources:

Unit of currency:

How this country trade internationally?

Trade Agreements, Trade Barriers with Canada



Cultural Factors



Major Newspapers:


Persons of Note: (Politicians, Artists, Musicians, Athletes, etc.)

How does this country differ from Canada culturally?

How is this country similar to Canada?

Describe a typical Saturday night or Sunday afternoon in this country (that is, what do the people do in their leisure time?)


Most significant event in last 200 years, and why :

Most significant event in last 20 years, and why :

Most significant event in last 2 years, and why :

Most significant event in last 20 days, and why :


Citations (Footnotes)

Use APA style for your citations. If you aren’t sure what this means check out the ncLibrary website under Citation Help, APA style. I strongly suggest you review the online modules that NC Library has offered students.

References List:

In Summary, these topics on the country of your choice are important:

GDP figures (total, per capita, etc.) Cultural background

Currency & exchange rates Inflation

Unemployment Rate Stock Exchange

Major Industries Energy Situation

Agricultural Resources Major Exports/Imports

Trade Agreements Trade Barriers



Australia Belgium Brazil

China France Germany

Hong Kong India Italy

Japan Mexico Netherlands

Norway South Korea Spain

Switzerland Taiwan United Kingdom



You will be judged on the content of your review and your ability to summarize the country of your choice, and how you organize your thoughts on the issue. Copying and citing from different websites does not qualify as a country review. Wikipedia is not acceptable for academic research.


For your report grades, you are supposed to address:

· location of the trading partner, population, population density, GDP per capita AND comparisons to Canada’s statistics (use the CIA World fact book)

· selected country’s top 2 import and export partners; current significance of the trading partner to Canada (rankings for example, US is Canada’s #1; we are their #2 after China), trade balance: amount and surplus or deficit (use trade data online from Industry Canada to find this amount)

· evolution of Canada’s relationship with your chosen country, including the types of products, value, political alliances, other; include any effects of barriers or obstacles


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