question archive Using a minimum of 4 recent scholarly peered reviewed article less than 5yrs old for DQ 1 and 3 scholarly peer-reviewed article for DQ 2 must be cited using APA format 750 words for each topic DQ 1 and DQ2 It should be written separately include the http or DOI for all references used please Note: Please see reading references below: Topic 1 DQ 1 What are some of the organizational differences between correctional mental health delivery systems? Why is an understanding of these differences important? Is there any particular delivery system that appeals to you more than others? Topic 1 DQ 2 One of the purposes of incarceration is incapacitation
Subject:PsychologyPrice: Bought3
Using a minimum of 4 recent scholarly peered reviewed article less than 5yrs old for DQ 1 and 3 scholarly peer-reviewed article for DQ 2 must be cited using APA format 750 words for each topic DQ 1 and DQ2 It should be written separately include the http or DOI for all references used please Note: Please see reading references below:
Topic 1 DQ 1
What are some of the organizational differences between correctional mental health delivery systems? Why is an understanding of these differences important? Is there any particular delivery system that appeals to you more than others?
Topic 1 DQ 2
One of the purposes of incarceration is incapacitation. Incapacitation is the concept that threats to the community are removed through a period of incarceration. So how can we appropriately balance the goal of incapacitation with the role of reintegration that correctional facilities must play? Are these two goals so juxtaposed that correctional facilitates can do neither goal appropriately? Access and read the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work. Explain how might a person with the Christian worldview approach the balance of the goal of incapacitation with the role of reintegration.
Reading Resources:
Community Corrections
1.Read “Community Corrections” by Crites, Proter, & Taxman from APA Handbook of Forensic Psychology, Vol. 2: Criminal Investigation, Adjudication, and Sentencing Outcomes (2015).
2. Forensics and the Legal System
Read “Forensics and the Legal System” by Shivy & Guion from APA Handbook of Counseling Psychology, Vol. 2: Practice, Interventions, and Applications (2012)
3.To assist you in completing assignments and discussion questions.
Correctional Mental Health: From Theory to Best Practice
Read Chapters 1-3 in Correctional Mental Health: From Theory to Best Practice.