question archive Assignment Topic:Marketing Plan for my own business; Holistic Health, Gym, and Nutrition

Assignment Topic:Marketing Plan for my own business; Holistic Health, Gym, and Nutrition

Subject:MarketingPrice: Bought3

Assignment Topic:Marketing Plan for my own business; Holistic Health, Gym, and Nutrition.Subject:MarketingSources:3 sources requiredCitation Style:MLAUpload filesDropbox 5_Shannon Garrett.docxToday, 08:22 PMToday, 08:25 PMDropbox 2_Shannon Garrett.docxToday, 08:22 PMToday, 08:25 PMInstructionsTitle Page

Table of Contents

 Use     the headings show in this example as your table of contents.

Introduction to Organization and Product/Service andMicroenvironment  

 Background     and explanation including the one or two products/services you are     focusing on

 Include     main actors in the micro environment (incorporate relevant aspects of     Dropbox 2 into this part; see Chapter 3).

 Include     a discussion of the main forces in the macroenvironment (incorporate     relevant aspects of Dropbox 2 into this part; see Chapter 3).

Basic Marketing Research

 What     marketing research does the organization plan (incorporate relevant     aspects of Dropbox 2 into this part)?

SWOT Analysis

 Strengths,     Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats – a chart format is OK for this section     – see SWOT section in the Sample Marketing Plan in the etext.

Competitive Analysis

 See     the Competitive Review section in the Sample Marketing Plan in the etext.

Marketing Objectives

 Be     specific, preferably measurable objectives, explain – see Objectives and     Issues section in the Sample Marketing Plan in the etext.

Positioning, Target Market and Segmentation

 Create     a positioning statement or improve upon the one the organization currently     has (this can be a short phrase or one-liner – see page 204 of the etext     under “Differentiation and Positioning” for examples).  What is the     segment and who is the target market? Prepare a small chart similar to     Table A1.1 in the Sample Marketing Plan in the etext.

Marketing Mix Strategies

Describe strategies for all 4 P’s of marketing, or how toimprove what a company is currently doing; See Marketing Strategy section inthe Sample Marketing Plan in etext but describe these in further detail withfull analysis for each separately – this may be your largestsection of the report.




 Promotion     and Integrated Marketing Communication (also incorporate Dropbox 5 into     this area)

Ethical, Legal and Privacy Considerations

 What     ethical and legal issues present themselves?  Consider any of these     as relevant and describe how you would address these.



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