question archive The following thermochemical equation shows the combustion of ethanol, C2H5OH in excess oxygen

The following thermochemical equation shows the combustion of ethanol, C2H5OH in excess oxygen

Subject:ChemistryPrice: Bought3

The following thermochemical equation shows the combustion of ethanol, C2H5OH in excess oxygen.

C2H5OH(ce/l) + 3O2(g/g) ® 3H2O(ce/l) + 2CO2(ak/aq) DH = -p KJmol-1

Apakah jisim etanol, C2H5OH, yang digunakan jika etanol dibakar dengan lengkap untuk membebaskam q KJ haba?

[Jisim molar etanol = 46 g mol-1]

What is the mass of ethanol, C2H5OH, if the ethanol is burnt completely to release q KJ of heat?

[Molar mass of ethanol = 46 g mol-1]

A) 46q/p

B) 46p/q

C) q/46p

D) p/46q

100 cm3 jus limau kasturi ditambahkan kepada 300 cm3 susu segar. Jika suhu meningkat sebanyak 5°C, hitungkam perubahan haba.

[Muatan haba tentu campuran : x J g-1 °C-1]

100 cm3 of calamansi juice is added to 300 cm3 of fresh milk. If the temperature rises by 5°C, calculate the heat change.

[Specific heat capacity of mixture : x J g-1 °C-1]

A) 80x J

B) 1600x J

C) 2000x J

D) 2500x J


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