question archive Module 04 Content 1) Top of Form Continue your course project case study by describing your child's speech and language development

Module 04 Content 1) Top of Form Continue your course project case study by describing your child's speech and language development

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

Module 04 Content


Top of Form

Continue your course project case study by describing your child's speech and language development. You are continuing your child's story.

NOTE: This week's assignment should include at least one resource to substantiate your description. This resource can come from the course, the Rasmussen College Library or credible websites (Wikipedia, and blogs are not considered credible websites). Incorporate your resource into your paper using in-text citations and a reference page in APA format.

Write about your child by answering the following questions. Be sure to write in paper format with paragraphs and an introduction. Your paper should be 2-4 pages in length. You may choose to write as if you are telling a story and your instructor is the reader. Think deeply and be thorough in your responses.

· What is your child's vocabulary? How many words can they say? How many words do they know (receptive vocabulary)? What are the most common words or phrases? Do speak or understand words in multiple languages? Provide examples.

· Describe your child's speaking patterns. Do they speak in complete sentences or short phrases? Are they asking questions? Are the understandable? Do they speak in multiple languages? Do they not speak? Provide examples of your child's speech patterns.

· What are your child's writing experiences? Where are they in the development of writing or drawing? How do you know? Provide examples to show their level of writing practice. Use resources to support your description.

· Has your child shown interest in books? What are the favorite books? Has your child started reading on their own or showing pre-reading behaviors? Describe their reading practices alone or with others. Use resources to support your description.


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