question archive In this forum, you will learn about the history of art by exploring the Neoclassicism and Romanticism eras in chronological order and selecting a work of art from one of those movements to discuss

In this forum, you will learn about the history of art by exploring the Neoclassicism and Romanticism eras in chronological order and selecting a work of art from one of those movements to discuss

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In this forum, you will learn about the history of art by exploring the Neoclassicism and Romanticism eras in chronological order and selecting a work of art from one of those movements to discuss. Prior to beginning work, read and review the following resources:


  • “Neoclassism” in Art Identifying Movements (Links to an external site.)
  • Neoclassicism (Links to an external site.)
  • David and the Death of Marat (Links to an external site.)
  • David, Oath of Horatii (Links to an external site.)


  • “Romanticism” in Art Identifying Movements (Links to an external site.)
  • Romanticism (Links to an external site.)
  • Art Historical Analysis (Painting), a Basic Introduction Using Goya’s Third of May, 1808 (Links to an external site.)
  • Friedrich, Monk by the Sea (Links to an external site.)
  • Friedrich, Monk by the Sea


For your initial post, you should

  • Choose a work of art from one of these movements. You may select a work from the textbook, resources, videos, or museum links.
    • Your work of art should be one that you have not already examined elsewhere in this class.
  • Include an image of the artwork.
  • Identify the title, artist, movement (date if known), and region (place if known) of your work.
  • Explain why you were attracted to this work, and discuss at least two characteristics of this art work that you found interesting or noteworthy.
  • Incorporate what you have learned about the process and components of art appreciation.

Your post should be at least 200 words in length, and based on what you have learned about the process and components of art appreciation.


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