question archive K T As an adult, this shouldn't be an issues

K T As an adult, this shouldn't be an issues

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3


As an adult, this shouldn't be an issues. Personally, I understand that everyone has their own opinions and those may not always be the same as mine. Students should be allowed to share their opinions and talk through them, this not only helps the student sharing but also other students to learn and be able to form their own opinions if they haven't already. As a teacher, our students can also teach us how to think about things differently and allowing them to share their opinions whether they are similar to your or not can add so much to the dialog of the classroom.



 J Mc

As a teacher you must remain prepared for considering possible varying viewpoints from your students. In order to facilitate student confidence during participation we have to ensure they know their opinions, ideas, views, and prior knowledge are always welcome during class discussions and that varying viewpoints should be celebrated. It is also valuable to understand where students’ viewpoints come from, why they feel, or think the way they do. This will help me as the teacher present concepts to students so that they understand the context of the lesson.

  • Help students connect back to course concepts being taught when possible
  • Ask questions from student responses given
  • Listen to students’ opinions with respect and complete attention
  • Engage students with open discussions before the lesson even begins to get an idea of their thoughts on content

Within social studies lessons a lot of the coursework being taught students relates to varying cultures beliefs, values, and opinions. This is why some students may have varying opinions on the lesson content. Having a classroom who celebrates students personal opinions in order to keep students engaged and active participants in the learning process.



 C C

Being a role model in class is a part of the teacher’s job in many senses. If or when disagreements happen with students, the teacher can model how to agree to disagree with the discussion. Through the discussions, students can hear one another’s viewpoints even if they differ from their own. This exchange of information and viewpoints should be encouraged and exemplified by the teacher to be supported through evidence in cases where it pertains. The teacher’s role also includes encouraging students to provide details to support their thinking which can be evidential or past experiences/prior knowledge. Our textbook explicitly states that there are instances when student’s prior knowledge may be distorted and inaccurate that can lead them down misconceptions. This is a perfect opportunity for the teacher to notice those details and inform the student(s) of more accurate information that can be supported in a more concrete manner. Listening and hearing out what others have to say can be achieved through classroom discussions. The teacher can be the example and encourage others to do the same when one student is expressing themselves. Every student deserves the same respect when it is their turn to speak. 

All the above information should not be a way to persuade a student to agree with the teacher because having disagreements can be a good thing and teaches students how to construct their own knowledge through information from the discussion.



 T W

Social studies discussions consist of exchanges in which students: offer their opinions on issues, supported with evidence, logic, or personal experience; agree or disagree with one another; listen to opposing viewpoints; and sometimes change their minds (Brophy, Alleman, & Halvorsen, 2018). There are a couple things that I would do when a student disagrees with my opinion of a social studies concept. First, I would thank the student for expressing their opinion. Then, I would ask the student to share the reason why he/she disagrees with my opinion. Next, I would address the points that he/she made and find a way to connect with his/her stance. Its important for teachers to use opportunities in which students disagree to develop students critical, to learn, and to encourage them.


Brophy, J., Alleman, J., & Halvorsen, A. (2018). Powerful social studies for elementary students | Fourth edition. Grand Canyon University.


Part 2



 Je McS

Providing primary sources in Social Studies lessons will help students relate to content in a personal way. This is very valuable because social studies lessons teach on past historic events and promote a deeper understanding of our past history. The more engaging the historical lesson the deeper the learning and connection students will be able to make. Some examples of good primary sources to include in an American History class would be:

  • Newspaper articles/clippings
  • Memoirs
  • Photographs
  • Historic figures speeches/Quotes
  • Diaries from historic figures

These resources can really help to make the context of the content being taught to students a personal connection experience of learning. This can bring history to life for students to help them connect to the people, events, and historic timeline of events. Students gain a greater understanding of the meaning and reason behind learning information if they are able to make a relatable association to it.



 Ch Cr

Using primary resources for social studies lessons helps students see the connection between original artifacts of the historical time period to what they are reading/learning about. This engages students by allowing them to get “closer” to that time period or event by visually seeing the evidence. When students communicate and discuss social studies topics in class, they can support their discussion through evidence such as primary resources. These primary resources include American government founding documents throughout American history. A few examples are the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights which all can be viewed online and through virtual tours for those unable to see the actual documents in person. Some other types of primary resources from American History include journals and letters of early settlers to the Americas, photographs, speeches, newspaper articles, and books to name a few. Most of these items have been converted to some sort of digital platform that helps the teacher and students reference them at any given time. The collection of these sources helps students put what they are learning into better perspective of how it relates to that time period and its importance. When students experience primary resources in lessons, they are getting a first hand evidence and/or experience of the history that helps support their learning.



 Li Gl

  • Even as an adult I know how a primary source from a Historical Event can being a moment in history come to life, too actual make it real for the person that is viewing. I was  a lucky one, I actually toured Washington DC in late 2019 with my 14 year old.  The events that we previously learned  came to live and are now a part of my memories.  As we toured the White House, I could feel the presents of each of the presidents who actually called it home. Just as we toured Arlington and witnessed the changing of the guards, I found a new respect for each of the soldiers that gave up their lives for our country.  We spent five days touring and viewing the history of our great country.  The biggest impact of primary sources was the heart breaking artifacts that we saw at The Holocaust Museum, now when I think of The Jewish people that were tortured and killed, I remember the shoes that I saw, the pictures of some of the innocent people that I viewed, even the smell.  Yes, primary sources are important as we learn and remember the history.  They are the keys to the past that should never be forgotten. 
  • Examples of primary sources
  • Clothing , jewery. books, documents, homes, furniture, pictures, graves etc..... all items from the past.



Missing one more here ok when I have it I'll put it


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