question archive Brian Christian: How to manage your time more effectively (according to machines) | TED Talk  Briefly outline four to eight (4–8) tasks you perform daily

Brian Christian: How to manage your time more effectively (according to machines) | TED Talk  Briefly outline four to eight (4–8) tasks you perform daily

Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3

Brian Christian: How to manage your time more effectively (according to machines) | TED Talk 

  • Briefly outline four to eight (4–8) tasks you perform daily.
  • Explain how you might use the quadratic pass method, outlined in the video, to minimize contact switches between these tasks.
  • Explain why this method might help you better manage your time.
  • Explain whether you feel, in your case, it is possible to eliminate all contact switches to one set schedule. Why, or why not?


  • Describe how you ranked the tasks you selected, in Part 1, in order of importance using the ranking method. What does your task list look like after ranking it?
  • Explain why you chose to rank the tasks in the order you did.
  • Explain how much longer it would take you to complete your task list if you chose to rank them first versus completing them in random or chronological order.


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