question archive The faculty at a large university requested that the campus store sell and electronic device, Auto-Grader, that students would use when taking machine-scorable tests
Subject:Computer SciencePrice:2.87 Bought7
The faculty at a large university requested that the campus store sell and electronic device, Auto-Grader, that students would use when taking machine-scorable tests. Students would enter test answers into this personal electronic device and then send the answers via infrared signal to the instructor’s computer in the classroom. Once all the answers are received, the instructor’s computer immediately grades the test and sends the students’ scores back to their device.
Suppose you are a university dean who must decide whether to allow use of this system. Analyze the decision as both an ethical and practical problem. Discuss potential benefits and problems or risks of using the system. Discuss all the issues (of the kind relevant to the topics of GF book) that are relevant to making the decision. Mention any warnings or policies you might include if you approve use of the system.
( The textbook that Im using is "A Gift of Fire" 3rd ediiton. )
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