question archive Create a program in C++ will use a for loop to complete the following: Ask the user how much the buyer is paying for apples per pound

Create a program in C++ will use a for loop to complete the following: Ask the user how much the buyer is paying for apples per pound

Subject:Computer SciencePrice:3.86 Bought8

Create a program in C++ will use a for loop to complete the following:

  • Ask the user how much the buyer is paying for apples per pound.
  • Ask the user how many baskets of apples they picked.
  • For each basket of apples ask:
  • How much did basket #_ weigh?
  • Your program should place a number associated with the appropriate basket.
  • Ex. If the user picked 2 baskets of apples, your program should ask:
  • How much did basket #1 weigh?
  • How much did basket #2 weigh?
  • Display to the user how many total pounds of apples they picked.
  • Display to the user the amount the buyer should pay them for their picked apples.


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