question archive For each of the following good, state whether it is a normal good, a luxury, a necessity, or an inferior good
Subject:EconomicsPrice:2.88 Bought3
For each of the following good, state whether it is a normal good, a luxury, a necessity, or an inferior good. Explain your answers: Cosmetics.
A) Normal and luxury. As income increases people purchase more cosmetics than before. The elasticity of cosmetics is positive and less than 1.
B) Normal and necessity. As income increases people purchase slightly more cosmetics than before. However, since everyone uses cosmetics, the elasticity is positive and greater than 1.
C) Normal and necessity. As income increases people purchase fewer cosmetics than before. When people have higher incomes they do not have to think about how they look, so they buy fewer cosmetics.
D) Normal and luxury. As income increases people purchase more cosmetics than before. The elasticity of cosmetics is positive and likely greater than 1.
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