question archive Part 1: The First Bank of Valencia keeps their customer records in a random access text file (please don't do with actual sensitive information!!!)

Part 1: The First Bank of Valencia keeps their customer records in a random access text file (please don't do with actual sensitive information!!!)

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

Part 1:

The First Bank of Valencia keeps their customer records in a random access text file (please don't do with actual sensitive information!!!). Customer account information includes an account number that is between 1 and 1000, the customer's last name, and their account balance. WritE Java application that creates 1,000 blank records and then prompts the user to enter customer account information. Each time a new record is entered, insert that new record into a data file at the location that is equal to the account number. Ensure that the user enters only valid account numbers. Do not allow the user to overwrite existing account information. Enter at least ten records into the file. Allow the program to end when account number 0 is entered.

Part 2:

Write Java program that uses the file you created in Part 1 and displays all existing account information. Do not display empty records (those that were not entered in Part 1). Display the records ordered by account number.

Part 3:

Write Java program that uses the file you created in Part 1 and allows the user to enter a specific account number in order to view the account name and balance. If the user enters a number that represents an empty record, let them know that no account with that number exists. Allow the user to continue viewing information for different accounts until they enter 0 at which point the program should terminate.

Please submit:

  1. all source code
  2. other related files
  3. screenshots showing your program in action


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