question archive From a user login on a Linux system (a $ prompt) execute each of the following commands

From a user login on a Linux system (a $ prompt) execute each of the following commands

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

From a user login on a Linux system (a $ prompt) execute each of the following commands. When you attempt a command and any needed information (parameters) is missing the help information for that command will display. From that choose the options (flags) you wish to use.


execute each of the following commands and describe the results it returns and displays.


  1. arp
  2. curl or wget
  3. dig
  4. host
  5. hostname
  6. ifconfig
  7. ifplugstatus
  8. iftop
  9. ip
  10. iwconfig
  11. mtr
  12. netstat
  13. nslookup
  14. ping
  15. route
  16. ss
  17. tcpdump
  18. tracepath
  19. traceroute
  20. whois



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