question archive There are all data and information that i have it, so this question is complete it

There are all data and information that i have it, so this question is complete it

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

There are all data and information that i have it, so this question is complete it. The question is:

When instructors want to create the online quiz, they first create the quiz and give it a name. After the creation of the quiz, they will have an empty quiz with no questions. Later, they add the questions one by one. This project will require you to build a quiz with "add question" functionality. So, you will have a Quiz class and a Question class. 


The Quiz class contains a name which is a string Quiz appending a three-digit random number. For example, in one instance it can be "Quiz123" and in another instance, it can be "Quiz345". Define the add method of the Quiz class to add a question to a quiz. Define the giveQuiz method in the Quiz class. This method will present each question with the four possible answers in random order. Then accept an answer for each one, and keep track of the results. The result should be represented as a percentage by calculating the following formula:  


Quiz score = ceiling (points/total points) *100


Your quiz should have the ability of keeping an unlimited number of questions. Your quiz should also have the capacity for 5 questions, then if the current capacity has been reached, the capacity should also be increased. 


The Question class should have 5 strings, which will represent the question and 4 possible answers. In addition to the strings, it should have an integer in the range of 1-4, representing the correct answer. The possible answers should be stored in an array of 4 strings, so, the correct answer is the index of the string in the array. Each question should have a level of difficulty, a number between 1-10.

The driver class should be named as QuizDemo, that populates a quiz, presents it, and prints the results


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