question archive Respond to at least two colleagues by doing the following: · Note similarities and differences between how you plan to apply what you have learned and how they plan to apply their knowledge in their field experiences and careers

Respond to at least two colleagues by doing the following: · Note similarities and differences between how you plan to apply what you have learned and how they plan to apply their knowledge in their field experiences and careers

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

Respond to at least two colleagues by doing the following:

· Note similarities and differences between how you plan to apply what you have learned and how they plan to apply their knowledge in their field experiences and careers.

· Identify an additional way that your colleagues might find what they have learned useful.



My Discussion Post:

Discussion 2: Contemplating Your Future

The new knowledge and skills related to research and evaluation can be applied by amplifying the skills and strengths to increase research and evaluation techniques. Application of knowledge and skills positions one to maximize the skills to get maximum results from research. Besides, it is also applied by reflecting the research and evaluation aspects that one is good at. Once the strengths and weaknesses have been identified, reflecting on the skills, knowledge, and experience facilitates integrating new knowledge and skills. Thus, a great eye-opener in research and evaluation in doing things the right way and using the required knowledge and skills.

Social change is the specific knowledge intending to apply. It deals with the different ways in which the relationships and interactions of humans the social institution impact society (Cohen, 2018). Through this, positive benefits from society are expected to promote togetherness. For instance, the social work for the youth development program will be promoted with the social change as it influences human interaction and relationships. The strategy is to be applied to the one for building a strong foundation. The two will be applied in a social work program to enhance a strong relationship for a positive evaluation.

Three major skills will be applicable in achieving future goals. First is the skill of planning that enhances the achievement of multiple goals at the same time. Planning promotes making proper objectives and prioritizing tasks depending on the urgency (Gustafsson, Hermelin, & Smas, 2019). Secondly is the communication skill that promotes public speaking. Hence faster achievement of the social change that has been desired. The last skill is problem-solving, which helps identify the social problem and give the desired solution (Aslan, 2021). The skills of planning, problem-solving and effective communication facilitates attaining the project goals, thus proper in the achievement of future goals.


Aslan, A. (2021). Problem-based learning in live online classes: Learning achievement, problem-solving skill, communication skill, and interaction. Computers & Education, 171, 104237.

Cohen, P. N. (2018). The family: Diversity, inequality, and social change (p. 592). New York, NY: WW Norton.

Gustafsson, S., Hermelin, B., & Smas, L. (2019). Integrating environmental sustainability into strategic spatial planning: the importance of management. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 62(8), 1321-1338.



Colleague #1 – Titan Bats

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The core of social work ethics is professionalism. The profession owes its members to express its core values, ethical principles, and ethical standards. The NASW Code of Ethics outlines these ideas, concepts, and standards, which guide social workers. Regardless of their professional roles or the circumstances in which they work, the Code applies to all social workers and social work students. The NASW Code of Ethics is a set of guidelines for social workers' professional behavior. The professional field values solid interpersonal skills which encourage and enhances the ability to accurately and efficiently participate in and provide evaluations and research. The research and evaluation within the field of social work encompasses the NASW Code of Ethics in that the data obtained assesses the effectiveness and transparency of the matter in question. Not only are communication and interpersonal skills needed, but the ability to read, interpret, and process the data in question to contribute to the enhancement of the field of social work. These abilities are now required for professional success (NASW, 2017).

I plan to utilize the skills I have enhanced which is the ability to interpret information in a variety of ways and to assess the best matter of practice in which to apply. I genuinely enjoyed being to review a cause-and-effect type of situation when it came to research. I have been in the field of social work with child welfare and have come to realize that not all situations are as cohesive or composed as the matters that come with evaluating and researching various matters. I believe that research and evaluation bring forth a sense of security within the field of social work as we are able to employ a variety of tools and strategies to apply to a series of data that further explains what is needed and why.



National Association of Social Workers (2017). Read the code of ethics. Retrieved from

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Colleague #2 – Queen Ken


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During this course, I have learned multiple new methods of gathering and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data.  This information and skill will be valuable to me in my career as I explore different methods and theories to assist my clientele and the impact it will have on their lives.   

These research skills will also benefit me when working to obtain my PhD, starting in January 2022.  I can appreciate the skills and methods this course has taught me and will aid in my research and development of my education. 

It is our responsibility as social workers to stay educated and up to date on new skills and theories that can impact our clientele negatively or positively.  We owe it to ourselves and our clients to continue developing our skills and knowledge to become better and more proficient social workers (National Association of Social Workers, 2017). 


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