question archive Human Factors is about people

Human Factors is about people

Subject:PhilosophyPrice: Bought3

  1. Human Factors is about people. It is about people in their working and living environments. It is about their relationship with machines and equipment, with procedures and with the environment about them. And it is about their relationship with other people. True or False


  1. What is the purpose of time and motion studies?


  1. Ergonomics is the study of man in his working environment. True or False


  1. Human Factors and Ergonomics are primarily concerned with human performance and human behavior and for practical purposes both can be taken as referring to the same technology. True or False


  1. It was first calculated in 1940 that three out of four aircraft accidents were due to human failure. True or False


  1. In 1975 IATA determined that safety has improved significantly and that pilot error is rare and most aircraft accidents are caused by weather, mechanical failure and fuel management. True or False


  1. What is the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) and why was it established?



  1. Human Factors is primarily oriented towards solving practical problems in the real world. True or False


  1. A Human Factor conceptual model is remembered by the acronym SHEL. Write the words that are the components of the Human Factors model.






  1. The center of the model is man or Liveware. The remaining components must be adapted and matched to this central component. Explain



  1. Human Factors attempts to research and explain the nature of human behavior and human performance using the human sciences. Armed with this knowledge it tries to predict how a person will react and respond in a given set of circumstances.

True or False


  1. Scientist determined from experiments in the "Cambridge Cockpit" that skilled behavior had nothing to do with the design of the machine, but rather, it was caused by uncoordinated machine operators. True or False


  1. With the SHEL Conceptual Model in mind, give an example of a problem that might be caused by Liveware and Environment interaction.



  1. Using the concept of the Trans Cockpit Authority Gradient as discussed in class and the SHEL Conceptual Model, give an example of a problem that might be caused by Liveware to Liveware interaction.



  1. A senior captain has worked for an international airline for 25 years. The airline is going through financial problems so the aircraft she flies have never upgraded the cockpit seats. Her flights are usually 8 hours in length and by the end of her flight she is experiencing severe pain in her back. Using the SHEL Conceptual Model...what components are interacting?

a.    Environment-Icing

b.    Dangerous-Environment

c.    Liveware-Hardware

d.    None of the above



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