question archive Reply to my peers Peer 1 1
Subject:NursingPrice: Bought3
Reply to my peers
Peer 1
1. Critically analyze current practice to formulate researchable problems.
I was able to establish a nursing problem in my practice in form of high prevalence of chronic health conditions in elderly patients. By considering statistics about chronic health conditions in older patients,\, I was able to identify a knowledge gap on the effect that a nurse practitioner led multi-factorial intervention would have on chronic health conditions prevention outcomes and health literacy levels. Gray, Grove and Burns (2017) indicated that a research problem can be the one that relates to practice. I was able to identify a nursing problem that could be addressed through practice change, in form of patient focused education. A PICOT question and hypothesis were developed which would be tested in a quantitative design approach.
2. Evaluate research as the basis for decision-making to improve outcomes through translation into evidence-based practice.
Gray et al. (2017) indicated that evidence-based practice is the conscientious integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values and needs in the delivery of quality, cost-effective healthcare. Through a comprehensive literature review process, I examined findings from studies appropriate to my research topic and used the summary as the basis for my intervention.
3. Synthesize an understanding of the research process through development of a proposal to address a nursing problem or focus area identified in nursing practice.
By identifying a knowledge gap in practice, I was able to formulate a researchable research question which formed the basis of my research proposal. Gray et al. (2017) indicate that the wording of research questions indicates the methodology and design of each specific line of inquiry. Subsequently, other sections of the proposal such as the literature review and methodology were developed from the research question.
4. Investigate ethical issues related to the conduct of scientific research, including informed consent, data management, data analysis and protection of human subjects.
Through course lessons and the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) course on Ethics and Human Subject Protection, I was able to understand the background behind rules and regulation on research. Moreover, application of HIPAA in all phases of the research process provided a deep understanding of procedures for conduct of ethical research with respect to subjects’ rights in the context of risks, anonymity, privacy and benefits. Ethical principles that guide clinical practice must also be the standards for the conduct of nursing research (Gray, Grove & Burns, 2017).
5. Explore national and international initiatives and research priorities.
High prevalence of poor health outcomes in the older patient population is a universal health challenge as was evidenced by major themes in reviewed articles. On global scale, researchers agreed that individual income characteristics, pre-existing health conditions, self-care efficacy, and healthcare services accessibility are significant predictors for poor health outcomes in the geriatric population. Priority for research in reducing and preventing chronic health conditions in the geriatric population was to improve the patient’s self-care efficacy through education and improve the population’s contact with healthcare services.
Gray, J., G., Grove, S., K., & Sutherland, S., (2017) Burns & Grove’s the practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence (8th ed.) Missouri: Elsevier
Peer 2
Upon completing this course, I feel like I am able to formulate researchable problems and possibly make changes that would benefit the provider and/or the patient. Learning how to formulate a PICOT will help guide you in researching different problems and potential solutions. I have learned how to dig deeper into research and evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes. I was honestly not excited about this course as I felt like it was just going to be lots of busy work. I appreciate having a professor that actually interacts in the discussion board and asks questions that make us use our critical thinking skills. I now understand the research process and how to develop a research proposal along with how to conduct the research. I can create an informed consent and analyze the data in a way that protects the rights of the study participants. I have learned how to competently research and explore initiatives and evaluate different alternatives to problems that are present or may arise in the future. I feel like I am capable of performing research and educating others on that research in order to provide better care for our patients. I learned some options that are available in Excel to assist with creating visual charts and graphs to represent the research data. I feel like this course has laid groundwork for me to be an asset to an organization now and when I have completed my FNP. I have enjoyed the interaction in the discussion boards amongst my peers and professor.