question archive How do you develop a C++ menu driven program that lets the user to Add a number Print out all the numbers entered by the user

How do you develop a C++ menu driven program that lets the user to Add a number Print out all the numbers entered by the user

Subject:Computer SciencePrice:3.86 Bought8

How do you develop a C++ menu driven program that lets the user to

  • Add a number
  • Print out all the numbers entered by the user.?

The program should maintain a linked list to store all the numbers. When the user wants to add a number, a new node is created to store the number and the new node should be added to the linked list properly. You can choose to do that in the following 3 ways:

  • Always add the new node to the front of the linked list. Then the first number entered by the user will be printed out last.
  • Always add the new node to the end of the linked list. Then the numbers will be printed out in the order they had been entered.
  • Maintain the list as a sorted linked list. Then the numbers will be printed out in ascending order.

When a user wants to print all the numbers, your program should traverse the linked list, visit each node and print out the number stored in each node.


I can make a program that meets the requirements but I can't seem to implement a linked list to store all the numbers.


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