question archive ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN STRATEGY 11               Advertising Campaign Strategy Student’s Name Institution Professor Course Date   Advertising Campaign Strategy Research into the Industry Contemporary State of the advertising industry In the contemporary world, the advertising industry is an important and among the fastest-rising industries worldwide

ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN STRATEGY 11               Advertising Campaign Strategy Student’s Name Institution Professor Course Date   Advertising Campaign Strategy Research into the Industry Contemporary State of the advertising industry In the contemporary world, the advertising industry is an important and among the fastest-rising industries worldwide

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Advertising Campaign Strategy

Student’s Name






Advertising Campaign Strategy

Research into the Industry

Contemporary State of the advertising industry

In the contemporary world, the advertising industry is an important and among the fastest-rising industries worldwide. Advertising campaigns play a significant role in marketing commodities and services to society. During my studies, I had the opportunity to learn various types of media found in the advertising industry. But I particularly adored one day working in digital media. Currently, digital media is broad as it entails any media which may be enclosed in any readable format. I preferred working as a digital marketing expert in any agency that offered a wide range of services after my graduation.

The advertising industry plays a significant role to agencies as it tries to satisfy numerous needs present today. The advertising industry offers advertising services especially to customers across all types of media. In the past years, the desires of advertising industries increase every day since there are changes daily in the practices. According to Wielki (2020), the advertising industry in the past used to emphasize the traditional mass media, for instance, televisions, posters, and radio, also called above-the-line advertising. But due to advances in technology, the advertising industry has changed and shifted to digital media usage, such as the social media platform called below-line advertising. The shift in the advertising industry from traditional mass media to digital media has emphasized integrated marketing advertising campaigns. Thus, agencies must implement ATL and BTL forms of advertisement, which are called through-the-line advertising (TTL). In the past decades, the advertising industry had clients seeking to reach numerous customers in growing fragmented markets. Most customers have focused on controlling the advertisement costs and limiting spending on ineffective advertisements. As a result, agencies are forced to provide extra targets and more measurable BTL advertisements, which are incorporated with traditional advertisements to offer more prosperous services. Most advertising industries' important players have developed and acquired complementary companies such as marketing research, web developers, and public relations. Due to the practicing shift and the agency structure, the advertising industries have significantly increased revenue and expansion in the past years, creating job opportunities and a new entry for other industries.

The Future for My Discipline

The anticipation that advertising agencies might reinvent advertising services in the future and is motivated by the ongoing increase in advertising in the market and media disintegration and enlarged reliance on the digital platform. There are the openings of more avenues by digital communication for the direct advertisement to clients, changing how businesses advertise. According to Ahmed et al (2019), will progressively desire direct advertisement and request ways that they can use to track their businesses' returns on investment (ROI). Various agencies shall be adjusting their marketing expenses to direct, innovative, and creative advertisements. As a result, it is anticipated that agencies shall benefit from expected strong demand expansion for BTL advertisements. Digital marketing is growing rapidly, and evolving employment paths with digital marketing finances have grown in recent years. According to research, digital marketing in the few previous years, they were the most hired people by companies, and there is no symptom that this demand decreasing in future. Further, agencies' budgets for digital marketing are projected to upsurge substantially in the future, with more than 50% of the marketing expenses being devoted to digital media. Therefore digital marketing, as well as BTL, plays significant roles in the advertising industry landscape.

Industry Trends

In the advertising industry, numerous trends are recognized and contribute to the industry's future, industry discipline, and career opportunities. First of all, there is a request from online as well as mobile technology because of the disintegration of the consumer media observing habits (Wilmer, Sherman, & Chein, 2017). As a result, this trend indicates the necessity of BTL advertising as well as digital marketers as essential in the advertising industry's future. The second significant trend is the continuous redirection of the ATL – BTL advertisement's marketing finances, driven by the emerging effective communication firms. As a result of the integration in the adverting media, there is an increase in opportunities to achieve clients' demands for more services. Finally, there is a trend in how customers’ demands have led to digital marketing becoming more popular because of its capability to attain customers’ result-based wants. Due to the reduced use of mass media, clients have been more aware of the targeted advertisement, causing tracking analytics, as well as advertising efficiency, a crucial practice in the industry. This trend plays a significant role in contemplation as digital marketers provide measurable services in order to achieve the customers’ demands.

Employment Opportunities

The trend in unified marketing and specialization in various advertising media services has encouraged agencies to change their companies and focus on restructuring. Most firms, therefore, have become stop shops dealing with marketing, communications, and operating under integrated models to offer customers complete services. Due to this, enterprise numbers might increase in the future, with employment numbers being projected to grow. According to Korenkova et al (2020), increasing advertising and revenue growth is anticipated to increase the staff requirement, and hiring numbers will rise in the future. Digital employment has created job opportunities in the planning, content and social media advertisement and marketing, and paid search engines.


Audit of career Competencies

Graduate Capabilities

Graduate ability


Employer Benefit


Critical Thinking skill

Throughout my campus, I have been to think critically when dealing with advertising challenges to look for solutions.

Thinking critically is useful as it shows the employer's ability to analyze and reconstruct tasks to achieve the best result (Shavelson et al 2019).


Communication skills

I have been employed as a leader

Being a leader shows that I can communicate well and motivate teamwork




Discipline Skills

Discipline skills


Employer Benefits


Digital skills

Being in digital media daily through social media and understanding the digital world

The understanding of the digital world shows a skill employers are looking for since digital keep changing.



Exposure to various situations in my studies on campus and internship has helped me to think critically.

In digital marketing, creative skills are useful since it used in the whole process



Personal values

Personal Values






Employment Preferences

Employment categories

Importance Level of attaining Preference

Area preference



Kind of Career

Digital marketing

Creating of content


Kind of employer

Advertising agency

Large company



High paying salary



Employment Strategy

The unique selling scheme to my forthcoming employer shall be exceptional skills in various media forms. This shall be supported by my well-defined performance in campus studies correlated to digital studies in public relations, marketing, and communication. Also, the support will be indicated by work experience in digitally dedicated internships and engagement. My tone as I look for a future career will be professional and determined. My character will indicate my passion for the advertising industry and the drive I possess in achieving results.

My employment strategy outlines my selling proposition to a future employer, outlines my employability evidence and personal brand. I feel that this strategy shall help acquire employment as it is cohesive with trends as well as insights collected from my study in the advertising industry. Having a unique selling proposition with a range of abilities in various media forms is appealing to most employers because it upsurges my abilities in the labor force (Hadi & Ahmed, 2018). The mentioned support shall be useful in my employment since having the required communication skills, and unified knowledge is significant for industry success. Also, my attribute and tone show extraordinary and highly employable people with unique personalities and attitudes. I believe this approach is effective to achieve employment given the industry nature and my professional abilities.


There is a need to implement the following recommendations basing on the information provided to help facilitate my approach.

Recommendation One

I recommend seeking an extra skill outside my campus units through campus clubs, seminars, and workshops provided during the semester. This will be useful in ensuring that I encompass broad skills and adequate knowledge in the advertising industry since research indicates that agencies currently require hiring graduates with more extensive skills.

Recommendation Two

Research shows that to succeed as a digital expert, I require having refined skills such as the ability to think critically. During this semester, my responsibilities are to be the team producer in my team. As a result, I recommend taking advantage of this opportunity and seeking advice from my supervisor to gain enough knowledge from advertising industry professionals.

Recommendation Three

Through the industry trends, it is clear that it is significant in having advertising knowledge and the ability to meet changing customers' wants as it is an attractive employers' asset. Thus, I recommend working fully in advertising by applying for advertised employments and taking information correlated to internships and occupations. As a result, I will have a competitive advantage as I look for a job as it will provide me extra skills and understandings in various areas of the advertising industry and more knowledge on working with clients in the real world.


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