question archive Instructions: We have included a total of twelve chapters from the textbook in this course, some covering more learning points than others

Instructions: We have included a total of twelve chapters from the textbook in this course, some covering more learning points than others

Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3


We have included a total of twelve chapters from the textbook in this course, some covering

more learning points than others. For the final exam, I would like you to identify 10 key

learning points or theories and apply them to the case assigned by providing a

comprehensive review of the company’s international operations. These learning points should

reflect a reasonable balance across chapters, spanning a minimum of five chapters. For each

learning point, you need to identify it clearly with a short phrase (see examples below), and

indicate which chapter it comes from. Note that you are allowed to combine two points together

(still count as two) when presenting your analysis, whenever more efficient or appropriate.

It is up to you how much space you want to allocate to each point, or each combination of points.

Your analysis, however, should be put on a maximum of five pages, double-spaced, 12 point

Times New Roman font, one-inch (2.54cm) margin on all sides. Any text beyond the fifth

page (other than cover page, tables, figures and references, if you choose to have any) will not be

graded. Please include your student ID in your file name. Late penalty will be applied as

indicated in the course syllabus.

To give you some ideas about the learning points and theories, they may include such things as

firm internal resources and capabilities, home and host country cultural/norm environment,

comparative national competitive advantage, ownership advantages, location advantages, entry

modes, strategic alliance, multinational strategy, as well as multinational organizational


If you still don’t grasp the idea, you may get some clues by looking into the learning objectives

in each unit or chapter. It is important to note that you may identify a very different list of points

or perspectives than these examples, as it is natural that people have different take-aways from

the same chapter or same case. However, highly generic terms, such as competitive advantage or

human resources management, won’t be acceptable as learning points, because those terms either

tell little about the nature of international management or don’t reflect underlying theories or

arguments, only suggesting broad topics. Some learning points you identify may not be very

relevant to the exam case and you may want to focus on those points that are more relevant so

you can develop recommendations that is required as one of the three components.

To help you better structure your analysis, I would suggest you to focus on the following three

components under each identification of learning point(s).

First, you will identify one or two learning points clearly (label them by numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. so

the graders can easily track how many points you have identified and for which point(s) you are

analyzing the company in that section), and then use 1-2 short sentences to explain the focal learning point (or points, if it is a combination of two), so people understand what it is from an

international management perspective.

Second, critique or comment on the company’s practices and operations with respect to that

particular learning point(s) that you have just identified. If the case does not have any

information about the company in that aspect and you cannot easily find information in external

search, please use this section to comment on common practices of firms in the same industry

with respect to that particular learning point(s). For example, how firms in, say, automobile

industry manage foreign subsidiaries in terms of international expatriates in general?

Third, provide brief recommendations for the firm as to what actions they need to engage in

along with the learning point(s) in order to become more competitive in terms of profits growth

or market growth or reduction of business risk. The recommended actions should be as specific

and clear as possible, not to propose broad recommendations such as going to more countries.

Please ensure you organize your learning points in separate paragraphs/sections, with subtitles if

that helps, so as to make it easier for the grader to track your thoughts and grade each point (or


It will also be easier to quickly count how many points you have identified and what they are exactly. Please note that, once you reach the minimum of 10 learning points, the number of points won’t matter much anymore; it is the quality of analysis and writing that matters most after that. At the same time, never underestimate the importance of having a clear structure in presentation. It is difficult to sore high if the grader cannot follow you and does not understand well what you put up there.

Learning Objectives to use:

Chapter 1 

    • Explain the concepts of international business and global business.

    • Give three reasons why it is important to study global business.

    • Identify three ways of understanding what globalization is.

    • Appreciate the size of the global economy and the strengths of multinationals.

Chapter 2

    • Identify two types of institutions.

    • Explain how institutions reduce uncertainty.

    • Identify the two core propositions underpinning an institution-based view of global business.

    • List the differences between democracy and totalitarianism.

    • List the differences among civil law, common law, and theocratic law.

    • Articulate the importance of property rights and intellectual property rights.

    • List the differences among market economy, command economy, and mixed economy.

    • Explain why it is important to understand the different institutions when doing business abroad.

Chapter 3

    • Explain where informal institutions come from.

    • Define culture and articulate its two main manifestations.

    • Articulate three ways to understand cultural differences.

    • Explain why understanding cultural differences is crucial for global business.

    • Explain why ethics is important

    • Identify ways to combat corruption.

    • Identify norms associated with strategic responses when firms deal with ethical challenges.

    • Explain how you can acquire cross-cultural literacy.

Chapter 4 

    • Define resources and capabilities.

    • Explain how value is created from a firm’s resources and capabilities.

    • Articulate the difference between keeping an activity in-house and outsourcing it.

    • Explain how to use a VRIO framework to understand a firm’s resources and capabilities.

    • Identify four things you need to do as part of a successful career and business strategy.

Chapter 5

    • Use the resource-based and institution-based views to explain why nations trade.

    • Identify and define the classical and modern theories of international trade.

    • Explain the importance of political realities governing international trade.

    • Identify factors that should be considered when your firm participates in international trade.

Chapter 6

    • Identify and define the key terms associated with foreign direct investment (FDI).

    • Use the resource-based and institution-based views to answer why FDI takes place.

    • Explain how FDI results in ownership advantages.

    • Identify the ways your firm can acquire and neutralize location advantages.

    • List the benefits of internalization.

    • Identify different political views on FDI and understand its benefits and costs to host and home countries.

    • List three things you need to do as your firm considers FDI

Chapter 7 

    • List the factors that determine foreign exchange rates.

    • Articulate and explain the steps in the evolution of the international monetary system.

    • Identify strategic responses firms can take to deal with foreign exchange movements.

    • Identify three things you need to know about currency when doing business internationally.

Chapter 8

    • Make the case for global economic integration.

    • Explain the evolution of the GATT and the WTO, including current challenges.

    • Make the case for regional economic integration.

    • List the accomplishments, benefits, and costs of the European Union.

    • Identify the five organizations that promote regional trade in the Americas and describe their benefits and costs.

    • Identify the four organizations that promote regional trade in the Asia Pacific and describe their benefits and costs.

    • Articulate how regional trade should influence your thinking about global business.

Chapter 9

    • Define entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurial firms.

    • Identify the institutions and resources that affect entrepreneurship.

    • Highlight three characteristics of a growing entrepreneurial firm.

    • Describe how international strategies for entering foreign markets are different from those for staying in domestic markets.

    • Articulate what you should do to strengthen your entrepreneurial ability.

Chapter 10

  • Identify ways in which institutions and resources affect the liability of foreignness.

  • Match the quest for location-specific advantages with strategic goals.

  • Compare and contrast first-mover and late-mover advantages.

  • List the steps in the comprehensive model of foreign market entries.

  • Explain what you should do to make your firm’s entry into a foreign market successful

Chapter 11

    • Define alliances and acquisitions.

    • Articulate how institutions and resources influence alliances and acquisitions.

    • Describe how alliances are formed.

    • Outline how alliances are dissolved.

    • Discuss how alliances perform.

    • Explain why firms make acquisitions.

    • Describe what performance problems firms tend to encounter with acquisitions.

    • Articulate what you can do to make global alliances and acquisitions successful.

Chapter 12

    • Describe the relationship between multinational strategy and structure.

    • Explain how institutions and resources affect multinational strategy, structure, and learning.

    • Outline the challenges associated with learning, innovation, and knowledge management.

    • List three things you can do to make a multinational firm successful.


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