question archive 1) How did you feel about Polyneices, knowing he was a traitor to Thebes? Did you have very strong feelings about what he had done? How does this compare with your reaction to Parvaiz's actions in Home Fire

1) How did you feel about Polyneices, knowing he was a traitor to Thebes? Did you have very strong feelings about what he had done? How does this compare with your reaction to Parvaiz's actions in Home Fire

Subject:EnglishPrice:2.86 Bought7

1) How did you feel about Polyneices, knowing he was a traitor to Thebes? Did you have very strong feelings about what he had done? How does this compare with your reaction to Parvaiz's actions in Home Fire. What makes you feel differently (if you do) about Parvaiz, compared with Polyneices? Do you have any sympathy for either man? Why or why not?


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