question archive Direction


Subject:PhysicsPrice:10.86 Bought9

Direction. Use GUESA (Given-Unknown-Equation-Solution Answer in appropriate significant figures) to solve the following problems.

1. Squids and octopuses propel themselves by expelling water. They do ..this by keeping water in a cavity and then suddenly contracting the cavity to force out the water through an opening. A 6.50-kg squid (including the water in the cavity) at rest suddenly sees a dangerous predator. (a) If the squid has 1.75 kg of water in its cavity, at what speed must it expel this water to suddenly achieve a speed of 2.50 m/s to escape the predator? Neglect any drag effects of the surrounding water. (b) How much kinetic energy does the squid create by this maneuver? 


2. A 15.0-kg fish swimming at 1.10 m/s suddenly gobbles up a 4.50-kg fish that is initially stationary. Neglect any drag effects of the water. (a) Find the speed of the large fish just after it eats the small one. (b) How much mechanical energy was dissipated during this meal? 


3. When cars are equipped with flexible bumpers, they will bounce off each other during low-speed collisions, thus causing less damage. In one such accident, a 1750-kg car traveling to the right at 1.50 m/s collides with a 1450-kg car going to the left at 1.10 m/s. Measurements show that the heavier car's speed just after the collision was 0.250 m/s in its original direction. You can ignore any road friction during the collision. (a) What was the speed of the lighter car just after the collision? (b) Calculate the change in the combined kinetic energy of the two-car system during this collision.


4. Blocks A (mass 2.00 kg) and B (mass 10.00 kg) move on a frictionless, horizontal surface. Initially, block B is at rest and block A is moving toward it at 2.00 m/s. The blocks are equipped with ideal spring bumpers. The collision is head-on, so all motion before and after the collision is along a straight line. (a) Find the maximum energy stored in the spring bumpers and the velocity of each block at that time. (b) Find the velocity of each block after they have moved apart. 


5. A 1000.0-kg car moving north at 20.0 m/s collides with a 1500.0-kg car moving west at 12 m/s. If the cars stick together after the collision, at what velocity and in what direction does the wreckage begin to move? 


6. A ball dropped on a floor from a height of 1.5 m bounces back to a height of 0.85 m. What is the coefficient of restitution?

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