question archive Prior to this class, my thoughts on "self" was the simple idea of the existence of oneself

Prior to this class, my thoughts on "self" was the simple idea of the existence of oneself

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

Prior to this class, my thoughts on "self" was the simple idea of the existence of oneself. I do not believe that self has to be a thinking thing. Self is equivalent to being and being is equivalent to existing and to exist does not mean that you have to think. Plenty of things exist put do not posses the capability of thinking. I do believe that self changes over time. Whether the change is physical or mental, a person undergoes change in both categories. However you consider "self", physical or mental, physical changes happen in all people and living things. (example: puberty, metamorphosis) The mental undergoes change with time in all people and living things. (example: maturity, experience, education) My views mostly align with those of Descartes especially when it comes to thinking independently and rationally. Descartes' concepts on the six passions (wonder, love, hatred, desire, joy and sadness) and how they impact one's behavior also aligned with my views before I began this class. Locke's beliefs challenged my thoughts due to his concept of personal identity. The idea that a person that completely loses his or her memory, should not be held accountable for previous actions is absolutely absurd. I understand what Locke is trying to get across but it personally does not make logical sense and there is no way to be sure someone has genuinely lost their memory.


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