question archive Find the following articles:  Katharina C

Find the following articles:  Katharina C

Subject:EnglishPrice:13.99 Bought3

Find the following articles: 

Katharina C. Husemann, Florian Ladstaetter, Marius K. Luedicke Conflict Culture And Conflict Management In Consumption Communities. In The 2015 Volume Of Psychology And Marketing, Vol 32.

Anna Dorothea Schulze, Melanie Janina Christine Stade, Janine Netzel - Conflict And Conflict Management In Innovation Processes In The Life Sciences. In The March 2014 Creativity &Amp; Innovation Management, Vol 23.

David B. Lipsky, Ariel C. Avgar - The Conflict Over Conflict Management - In The May-June 2010 Dispute Resolution Journal, Vol 6.

Annotated Bibliography Using The Above Three Articles. They Are All In The Business Source .Complete online journal database.

You must also include a separate paragraph, which states how the three articles are related to one another. 175 words.

The summary/evaluation and comparison paragraphs are to follow APA publication guidelines for an essay, typed in 12-pt Times New Roman font, with double spacing. Each annotation will not exceed 175 words (which excludes the comparison paragraph). The assignment is to be submitted to CMS as a MS Word document, only. If the word limit is exceeded, there will be deductions. If the incorrect type-face size and font are used, deductions will be applied; if double-spacing is not used, deductions will be applied. YOU MUST USE YOUR OWN WORDS! PLAGIARISM IS NOT TOLERATED, and will result in a grade of zero along with possible expulsion from the course! Remember to follow APA citation standards.

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