question archive Question 1) Bill, Bob, Bud, Sue and Jane decided for form a corporation, Big Bubbas Brewing Company, each will end up with 2,500 shares

Question 1) Bill, Bob, Bud, Sue and Jane decided for form a corporation, Big Bubbas Brewing Company, each will end up with 2,500 shares

Subject:LawPrice: Bought3

Question 1) Bill, Bob, Bud, Sue and Jane decided for form a corporation, Big Bubbas Brewing Company, each will end up with 2,500 shares. Each individual gave the following: Bill gave $100,000 in cash and brewing equipment with a FMV of $100,000 and his basis was $10,000. Bob gave a building and land with a FMV of $400,000, his basis in the property was $70,000 and the property had a loan of $200,000. Sue gave a food truck with a FMV of $60,000, her basis in the truck was $100,000. In addition, she gave $10,000 of legal services and $130,000 of cash. Jane gave additional brewing equipment with a FMV of $300,000, her basis was $25,000 and the equipment had a loan of $100,000. Bud gave A/R of $100,000, he is a cash basis tax payer and $100,000 in cash. All loans were transferred to the corporation. Please advise what are the tax ramifications to the new shareholders and the corporation, using code sections and numbers.  The shareholders ask, if there are any gains from the transactions, is there a way to remove the gains? In Year 2, the company had earnings and profits from Year 1 and Year 2 of $560,000. The company paid out a distribution of $400,000, pro-rata to the shareholders in cash.  Please advise the tax ramifications to the corporation and shareholders. 2) The same shareholders as above, with the same basis in their shares as above for the use in this problem. In Year 3, the company had accumulated E&P of $160,000 and current E&P of $100,000. On December 31, Bill redeemed 2,000 of his shares for $150.00 per share. On March 31, the company made a distribution to each shareholder of $50,000 and then on September 30, the company made another $20,000 distribution to each shareholder. On June 30, Sue sold ½ of her shares to Mary Anne for $150,000. Please discuss the tax ramifications for Year 3 to the shareholders and corporation. In Year 4, the company was sold all its assets $1,000,000, the company's balance sheet looked as follows:                                                FMV                          Basis Inventory                              100,000                      25,000 Equipment                             200,000                      50,000 Building                                 350,000                     175,000 Land                                       300,000                      100,000 Liabilities on Building and Land       $200,000 All assets and liabilities were transferred as part of the asset sale.  Please explain the tax ramifications to Big Bubba's Brewing Company, its shareholders and the acquiring corporation. The proceeds of the sale were distributed pro-rata based upon stock ownership. The company's corporate tax rate is 21% and there are no NOLs or capital loss carry forwards. Please include numbers. Would the shareholders of Big Bubba rather sell the stock for $800,000? 


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