question archive 4 Function Block Factorial! In this procedure you will implement your PLC-based solution using the Micro850 and a function block diagram

4 Function Block Factorial! In this procedure you will implement your PLC-based solution using the Micro850 and a function block diagram

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4 Function Block Factorial! In this procedure you will implement your PLC-based solution using the Micro850 and a function block diagram. Feel free to consult Chapter 13 of the course textbook, the Micro850 Instructions Manual, and any additional sources to help you learn the syntax and basic implementation of functional blocks. 1. Create a new project with a new function block program. 2. Repeat all steps from Procedure 2 with regard to creating, building, uploading and testing your func- tional block program. 3. Verify that the program functions as expected. 4. Export your function block diagram using the documentation feature of the software. 5. Call your instructor over to verify the functionality of the circuit before beginning the next procedure. Please raise your hand so the lab instructor or lab assistant may review your work for this procedure. Do not continue to the next procedure until you have received the signoff for this procedure.


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