question archive YOUR ASSIGNMENT IN ENGLISH 465 Your job in this course is to write a research paper on a topic in your major which can be used to make practical business decisions
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Your job in this course is to write a research paper on a topic in your major which can be used to make practical business decisions. You should rely heavily on the knowledge you have gained from the courses in your major. We will provide you with a list of possible topics given to us from professors in your various major areas. You are not restricted to these topics, but you are encouraged to work on these topics.
Research topics: Marketing, Management, Business Administration (Dr. Buhler)
Humor in the workplace
Business ethics
Organizational politics
Group conflict and resolution
Trends for the future workplace
Worker needs - What makes them "tick'
Flexibility in the workplace
Expatriate manager
Organizational structure and design
The "learning organizational"
Creativity and innovation as necessities in business
Attributes of a "good" manager
Masculinity vs. femininity traits in managers (or androgenous managers)
The multinational corporation today
Use of the strategic audit
Stakeholder management
Social responsibility
Corporate whistleblowing
Quality management
Research Topics: CIS or MIS (Mr Stomieroski)
1) * Distributed computing
2) * Data Communications
- Internet
- Data compression
- Connectivity
3) Multimedia
4) * Database systems
5) * Operating systems
6) Scalable computing systems
7) * Open systems
8) Information Super Highway
Research Topics: Marketing, Management, Business Administration ()
A. New research techniques used to identify behavioral trends.
B. Learning models
C. Multi cultural marketing
D. American subcultures and their effects on domestic marketing strategies
1) Consumer behavior
2) Private labeling
3) Vertical marketing systems
4) Retailers' strength vs. Manufacturers' strength in channel system control and development
5)Global marketing strategies
7) Wholesaling's role in the 1990's
8)Science marketing
10)Electronic retailing
11) Micromarketing
12) Market nichers
13) The art of negotiating a sale
14)The value of personal selling in the 90's.
15)Minority representation in entrepreneurial pursuits. ( Women in marketing )
16)The movement from large corporate ventures to small business
-success of small business
-growth of franchising
Research Topics: Finance, Management, Business Administration ()
Major areas of academic finance:
Real estate
Finance - General
The following is a compilation of the sub-research areas, many of which fall under one or more of the major categories above.
Research/ professional interest areas Main relation to
General areas
Agency theory *
APT / CAPM (Financial models) *
Bonds *
Capital Budgeting Corporate
Capital Structure Corporate
Commercial Banking Institutions
Computer / Info Systems *
Consumer finance *
Corporate restructuring Corporate
Cost of Capital Corporate
Dividend Policy Corporate
Financial Analysis *
Financial Education *
Financial Planning - Corporate Corporate
Financial Planning - Personal *
Futures/Options Markets
Insurance Insurance
International *
Investments Investments
Investment Banking Corporate
Leasing Corporate
Macro-finance *
Management of Financial institutions Institution
Market efficiency Market
Mergers Acquisitions Corporate
Mutual funds/Institutional investors *
Portfolio management Investments
Real estate Real estate
Regulated Industries Corporate
Risk *
Security regulation / exchange *
Small Business *
Statistical techniques *
Systems analysis/Design *
Valuation *
Working capital management Corporate
Research Topics: Business Communications ()
- Media influence in politics in the American culture
- Use of the media by terrorists
- The effect of globalization on communication skills of the American workplace
- Ethics and the media
- The impact of telecommunications on the print media
- Can the newspaper industry be saved ?
- Ethics in advertising
- Interactive television and its impact on educational
- Interactive television and its impact on the marketplace
- The use of subliminal messages by various sectors of the media
- The effects of audience-generated feedback on the media
- Methods for increasing cultural sensitivity and their effect on competitive marketplace
Research Topics: Marketing, Management, Business Administration ()
1. Gainsharing v. profit sharing - how effective are each ?
2. How are today's unions coping in an environment that is moving towards TQM principles ?
3. How has the Family and Medical Leave Act that took effect August 5, 1993 had an impact on businesses, especially smaller ones ?
4. 360 degree feedback as a performance review technique
5. Managing diversity in the workplace -
* What are some of the actual benefits that organizations have experienced ?
* How are organizations implementing this policy ?
6. Expert systems in business and industry - what are some recent applications ?
Research Topics: Administrative Management (Professor Lee)
Appraising the performance of office employees
Salary administration
The telecommunications revolution in the workplace
The office environment : space, equipment, sound and lighting
The effects of staffing via temporary agencies
Computer piracy in the workplace
Research Topics: Accounting (Mr. Marsland)
1. A History of the governing boards of accounting
2. Perspectives on accounting ethics
3. Accounting for post-retirement benefits (FASB and its benefits)
4. Accounting for capital leases v. operating leases
5. Accounting changes and error analysis (Use APB opinion #20 as main source)
6. Full disclosure in financial reporting
7. Compare governmental and private sector accounting (Include financial st. presentation under GAAP with the "Comprehensive Annual Financial Report" required by GSAB