question archive Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Responses to peers should be at least two paragraphs and be substantive in nature. Substantive means that you should add something to the discussion, referring to the original post. Referring to any reading or other scholarship is always a plus.


Significant organizational change can have a major impact on a company's culture. According to Palmer et al. (2021) successful well-established organizations are frequently connected with change.  Adaptability is what links the relationship between organizational culture and organizational change. Recognizing the change variables aids in the development of diagnostic tools for assessing and evaluating the organizational change. Change is a key characteristic and a component of the organization's culture and the way it operates (Palmer et al., 2021).

The most prominent organizational change that I believe had a significant cultural/social implication is new leadership. A company's culture is likely to be drastically altered by new leadership. Leaders have a tremendous impact on company culture. They set the agenda, prioritize work, manage, lead, and delegate.

According to Mayhew (2021), leadership changes can occur for a variety of reasons, including business setbacks, expansions, migration, product innovation and merger and acquisitions.

The internal pressures for new leadership may be a result of loss in revenue or decline in stock. Other internal pressures include employee engagement, communication procedures and leadership (Palmer et al., 2021).  An external pressure could be technological and regulatory changes where new leadership is necessary to repair a failing company. COVID-19 also caused many businesses to re-evaluate leadership amidst the global pandemic.  Another external force that caused corporations to make radical modifications to succeed in this highly competitive marketplace was the financial crisis.

The extent to which single versus multiple rationales are utilized is contingent on the necessity for change. There are certain changes which may be due to a severe or less sever issues thus impacting the use for single versus multiple rationales.


Mayhew, R. (2021). Change in Senior Leadership & Its Effect on Achieving Business Goals. Chron. Retrieved from

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. (2021). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education




Change Rationales – JMA

Consider an organizational change that has social/cultural implications. Provide an evaluation of change initiative. Change happens when we least expect it, and it’s a process, but change rationales within an organization will help to shape the direction of change effort. An example of an organizational change that has social/cultural implications would be lack of communication or a breakdown in communication. “Effective communication promotes awareness and understanding of why the changes are necessary. Employers should communicate change-related information to employees in multiple forms – emails, meetings, training sessions and press releases – and from multiple sources-executive management, HR and other departments” (SHRM, 2021). What is the rationale presented for the change? The rationale presented for the change should be overloads of information, even if the employer doesn’t feel the information is needed because the more information the employees have the better understanding they will have of the change. Employers must also take the time out to listen to their employees as well that way things such as obstacles and misunderstandings can be put out in the open. Employers need to understand that the people they hire are the people they feel can communicate and understand small things in order to get the bigger picture; both should stay in contact and emphasize in order for the organization to succeed. What are the internal and external pressures considered in the change? A lot of internal pressures can come for external pressures, but internally it comes from inside the organization. The biggest problem I see internally and externally is the fact that no one really likes change because before, during, and after the change process you hear a lot of people saying “traditionally, we would…” or “normally we would…” Internally, they have to communicate and accept that change is coming, so employers have to let the employees know the reasons for the change because clearly communicating the vision and the mission will help them to better understand what is happening. Externally there are questions, comments, and concerns, but those cannot be answered until the people inside grasp the concept of the change, that way they can effectively communicate what the external people need to know.  To what extent are single versus multiple rationales utilized? Employers, employees, and organizations have to understand what change is, where it is coming from, and why it must happen. On Facebook this morning I saw someone shared a quote from John F. Kennedy stating “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” So I think the extent where single versus multiple rationales are utilized is infinity because change is inevitable and it’ll happen for one reason or another, yet having multiple rationales helps justify the change(s).

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. (2022).  Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach  (4th ed.) . McGraw-Hill Education.

SHRM. (2021). Managing Organizational Change. Organization and Employee Development.




Guided Response: Respond to two classmates’ posts. Reflect on the change initiative they chose and the outcome of the overall process. Responses to peers should be at least two paragraphs and be substantive in nature. Substantive means that you should add something to the discussion, referring to the original post. Referring to any reading or other scholarship is always a plus.


According to the weekly lecture change processes are triggered by a variety of different factors, with various degrees of severity. Every organization must learn how to base managed changed to remain successful. Establishing guidelines and duties set for change initiative becomes more specific, allowing members to take initiative. Making necessary organizational adjustments to anticipate and manage these and other issues is expected to become increasingly crucial over the next few years (Palmer et al., 2021).

Technology is constant and is considered a significant organizational change. The component of successful technology adoption is conveying change in a way that allows employees to comprehend, process, and accept the decision.

When problems develop during a technological initiative, the system's reliability is almost never the source of the issue. Instead, it is the human and cultural factors of implementation that lead to less-than-ideal outcomes (Alsher, 2017). Resistance is a byproduct of disruption, and we know that a technological shift will elicit significant opposition.

Ineffective communication is another issue that may arise due to new technology. It is a frequent misconception that merely sending a message out to a group would result in acceptance, overcome resistance, and even lead to a change in behavior. Consequently, far too many businesses invest solely in top-down, one-way communications that fail to drive employees to transition from the current condition to the intended one. Instead, communication emphasis needs to be placed on sending the correct content to the targeted audience, utilizing the proper delivery means, and constantly incorporating a feedback system to gather opinions on both process and outcomes.

The easiest part is purchasing and deploying new technologies. Many businesses fail to ensure that users accept the new system to its full potential and continue to use the new processes on a long-term basis.


Alsher, P. (2017, May 4). A change Management Dilemma: 5 Barriers You Can Anticipate to Technology Adoption. IMA. Retrieved from

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. (2021). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education



One of the most common change initiatives is change in compensation policy for an organization. Often leaders generate a new assignment to implement new policies for the front line employees such as a change in bonus structure or new policies surrounding the benefits package. The organization usually involves smaller groups first to gradually implement the change. However, in some cases the change can take place for the entire organization all at once which can have dreadful consequences (Cummings, 2000).

There are several issues that an organization should consider when implementing a benefit change initiative (Palmer, 2022). The organization may not have the resources or the money to openly develop the change initiative. In order to overcome these issues, the company will need to produce a true commitment and be sure that the funds are available for the process. If not, the responsible parties will have difficultly maintaining employee motivation and/ or momentum.

The company will need to explain and inform all employees about any changes that will be up and coming so the employees have the time to embrace the new change (Palmer, 2022). A leadership team that does not involve or back up their decisions will not have the proper support for the change attempt.


Cummings, T., & Worlsey, C. (2000). Essentials of organization development and change. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western Publishing. (Streamlined version of textbook)

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. (2022). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.


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