question archive Directions:  Answers should be double spaced; 11-12 font size; standard margins

Directions:  Answers should be double spaced; 11-12 font size; standard margins

Subject:BiologyPrice: Bought3

Directions:  Answers should be double spaced; 11-12 font size; standard margins. Proper grammar and paragraph format is expected. All answers should be written in complete sentences.  Files should be submitted as .pdf, .rtf, .doc OR .docx only.  All assignments should be submitted via the SafeAssignment tool in Blackboard (Click on View/Submit below).  No attachments via email of Blackboard Messages will be accepted. See grading rubric below.

A recent clinical study demonstrated a possible connection between coffee consumption and heart health. The researchers performed a 6-week trial with 191 individuals, all of whom were heavy coffee drinkers (average of 5 cups/day) prior to the experiment, but none of whom were smokers. They divided the 191 participants into three groups: no coffee consumption, 1-3 cups/day, and 4 or more cups/day. They measured blood levels of cholesterol and homocysteine as indicators of heart health. Only the no-coffee group showed a significant drop in both indicators. Previous studies had demonstrated that decreases of the magnitude observed in the no-coffee group could cut the incidence of heart disease by 10-15%. 

a)    What is the problem/question being studied?

b)   What is the hypothesis?

c)    What is the experimental variable?

d)   List the controls.

e)   What is being measured to test the hypothesis?

You will be graded on this using the following rubric:

a.    Content:  15 points (Each question is worth three points for content.  Partial credit may be awarded in each question when content is not mastered, but is demonstrated.)

b.    Grammar and spelling:  4 points

c.    Following directions (as posted above):  1 point

This assignment is worth 20 pts.  No late assignments will be accepted. 

This assignment will be checked using SafeAssign.  Please submit original work. 

The Unit I SafeAssignment meets the following course objectives: 

Apply the scientific method to simple problems andidentify areas of potential biasand its

ethical implications

  • Provide examples in which intellect, scientific method, and technology have used to understand living things.


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