question archive CS5600: Programming Assignment 1 (50 points) In this assignment, you will learn how to implement the index file structure
Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3
CS5600: Programming Assignment 1 (50 points)
In this assignment, you will learn how to implement the index file structure.
You can use the CSV file (Employee.dat) that provided in this assignment as a master file.
This is a header of master file:
Emp ID |
First Name |
Last Name |
Gender |
Date of Birth |
Weight in Kgs. |
Salary |
City |
State |
EmpID : Employee ID (No Duplicate)
First Name: (No Duplicate)
Last Name:
Gender: M/F
Date of Birth: MM/DD/YY
Weight in Kilograms:
SSN (Social Security Number): 999-99-9999 (No Duplicate)
You must create the index file (Index.dat) by chose the attribute that is no redundancy, such as EmpID, First Name or SSN.
Turn in your codes, master and index files in folder name “PROG_ASSIGN1_XXXXX_YYYYYY” where XXXXX is course number (CRN) and YYYYYY is 700# student id, and zip the folder before submitting your assignment.
This is an example of master file consist of Name, Position, Department.
Rec# |
Name |
Position |
Department |
Khomsun |
Salesman |
Sales |
Tim |
Clerk |
HR |
James |
Officer |
Stock |
Adam |
Manager |
HR |
White |
Supervisor |
Sales |
Josh |
Salesman |
Sales |
Ryan |
Officer |
Stock |
Bobby |
Clerk |
HR |
You can create the index file by using name as index key. The structure of index file contains
Index key |
Pointer |
The index file must sort by index key as follows:
Index key |
Pointer (Rec#) |
Adam |
Bobby |
James |
Josh |
Khomsun |
Ryan |
Tim |
White |
Your program must let users insert the new records or tuples. After insertion, you should update the master and index files.
Example: Enter new record: Fred, Salesman, Sales
Master file
Rec# |
Name |
Position |
Department |
Khomsun |
Salesman |
Sales |
Tim |
Clerk |
HR |
James |
Officer |
Stock |
Adam |
Manager |
HR |
White |
Supervisor |
Sales |
Josh |
Salesman |
Sales |
Ryan |
Officer |
Stock |
Bobby |
Clerk |
HR |
Fred |
Salesman |
Sales |
Index file
Index key |
Pointer |
Adam |
Bobby |
Fred |
James |
Josh |
Khomsun |
Ryan |
Tim |
White |
Your program must let users to delete the existing records or tuples. After deletion, you should update the master and index files as follows:
Example: delete “Khomsun”
Master file
Rec# |
Name |
Position |
Department |
Tim |
Clerk |
HR |
James |
Officer |
Stock |
Adam |
Manager |
HR |
White |
Supervisor |
Sales |
Josh |
Salesman |
Sales |
Ryan |
Officer |
Stock |
Bobby |
Clerk |
HR |
Fred |
Salesman |
Sales |
Index file
Index key |
Pointer |
Adam |
Bobby |
Fred |
James |
Josh |
Ryan |
Tim |
White |
Your program must let user to update the existing records or tuples. User can change the attributes include the index key as well. After update, you should update the master and index files as follows:
Example: “Tim” changes name to “Jim”
Master file
Rec# |
Name |
Position |
Department |
Jim |
Clerk |
HR |
James |
Officer |
Stock |
Adam |
Manager |
HR |
White |
Supervisor |
Sales |
Josh |
Salesman |
Sales |
Ryan |
Officer |
Stock |
Bobby |
Clerk |
HR |
Fred |
Salesman |
Sales |
Index file
Index key |
Pointer |
Adam |
Bobby |
Fred |
James |
Jim |
Josh |
Ryan |
White |
Your program must let user to search the existing record or tuple by using an index key and list all of records order by the index key as the follows:
Example: Enter name: Bobby
Bobby Clerk HR
Enter name: Khomsun
Sorry, the record is not found!!
List all records:
Adam Manager HR |
Bobby Clerk Stock |
Fred Salesman Sales |
James Officer Stock |
Jim Clerk HR |
Josh Salesman Sales |
Ryan Officer Stock |
White Supervisor Sales |
Notes: Assume the index key cannot be duplicate. You can design the GUIs for this assignment as you prefer and it can be command line, window application or web-based application.