question archive Suppose a firm produces a product with technology described by the production function Q = F(K, L), and sells this product at a price of P

Suppose a firm produces a product with technology described by the production function Q = F(K, L), and sells this product at a price of P

Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3

Suppose a firm produces a product with technology described by the production function Q = F(K, L), and sells this product at a price of P. The firm pays w and r for reach unit of labor and capital respectively, and the firms objective is to maximize profit. F(K, L)=5L^.6K^.4

  1. Write the FOC condition for Profit Maximization.
  2. Now suppose that there is a change in the price of the product, P. How will this change in price affect the demand for labor and demand for capital? (Solve for dL*/dp, dk*/dp by taking the total differential of the FOC)
  3. Using your results in (b), find the effect of a change in the price on output supplied (find dL*/dp)


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