question archive The idea must be linked either to an article from a journal, a newspaper or a magazine

The idea must be linked either to an article from a journal, a newspaper or a magazine

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

The idea must be linked either to an article from a journal, a newspaper or a magazine. It could come from a news story or something on the internet, but it must come from somewhere! This source must be listed in your reference list, so make sure that it is real and feasible. It is suggested that the source you use flags a need in the community and that you then respond to this need in an original or creative manner. [For instance, it can be making products from ghost nets and carpet see or it could be an app for a phone].

• Keep it short and punchy! - 1000 words maximum. See the table below that will assist you to include all important visual material for example: diagrams, drawings, pictures, photographs or prototypes, or whatever you have got in mind that helps illustrate your vision for the idea. This will help us judge whether it is worth pursuing and supporting .

• Pro tip : visual or audio visual materials have strong impacts on decision makers. Please put time and equal care into both elements!

• By the way, you will need to provide information as to where this idea came from, we like to credit our sources. So when using articles, news stories, magazines or other media or inspiration, but make sure it to include it in your reference list, so that we can show the people upstairs all the good research you have done, and how you have grown your idea from this work to make it your own.

• Just check out the format and the rubric, as that will tell you what makes the best quality presentations. “I am pleased to see that you have some good ideas, keep this up and you will go far!”

• Remember, you will need to prepare an outline of what you are proposing – this is a good way to introduce your idea and pitch! Formatting Suggestions The pitch is 1000 words, but the inclusion of visual supporting material and its labelling consumes some word count, so ensure you comply with the suggested word counts above. Here is a suggested guide (Note that visual supporting material may be included in any part of the submission) :

1. Roughly 80 words on introducing the idea and its source – the spark or reason for creating it

2. 450-600 words on explaining how it will work and the value of the idea

3. 80-120 words on a conclusion that talks about the scope or future reach or potential for the idea.

4. Your pitch must include an academic quality reference list.

My idea:

I can set up an app for the phone named “Inspiration”, And this app is a platform online for people to communicate and exchange ideas. Because of covid 19, most of people choose to stay at home and reduce the chance to go outside and lack of chance to communicate with others. We provide an app for them to communicate and exchange thought and ideas online. The inspiration from each other can innovate good product and program to make the world better. The app can have four region. The first region is discussion board. People can post their questions here and discuss their thought & unmatured ideas. Second region is Original Ideas Region. If you have any primary ideas, you can post it here, and everybody can gave their suggestion and supplement to help to perfect the primary ideas. The third region is entertainment region. Users can post interesting images or materials here and people can make them funny and entertained. The last region is start business region, people who have a mature idea, plan and reliable partners can upload their program here and find investors to start up the business here.


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