question archive 1 Technology as a Threat to Privacy Abstract This report attempts to explain the constant intrusion and invasion of technology in our privacy, so much so that we are constantly under surveillance and being watched

1 Technology as a Threat to Privacy Abstract This report attempts to explain the constant intrusion and invasion of technology in our privacy, so much so that we are constantly under surveillance and being watched

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Technology as a Threat to Privacy


This report attempts to explain the constant intrusion and invasion of technology in our privacy, so much so that we are constantly under surveillance and being watched. From what we think to what we store to what we are, all are being controlled by technology. However, privacy is one of the fundamental rights as enshrined in (Universal Human Rights Declaration) UHRD. It is both a social and legal right in all civil societies which cannot be violated through technology. This report examines the notion of privacy and how it’s increasingly exposed to the threat of technology in the information age. With the advent of intellectual development and the 21st century, people have become more conscious about their right to privacy, particularly with the sweeping ability of modern technology to tear it apart. The encroachment of technology is not just threatening our privacy but is also humiliating on multiple fronts. Ironically the breach of privacy by technology is done under the label of protection, peace, security, consent, and investigation. Particularly, the technological areas that operate under the garb of security and services such as Biometrics, artificial intelligence, mobile tracking, telescreens, surveillance, and social networking directly infringe the right of privacy of individuals (Grover, 2015). Specifically, social media is the most accessible technology at the hand of perpetrators to intrude on the privacy of others by hacking, identity theft, cyberstalking, sexually harassing, unintentional fame, and online victimization. This report reflects how the implications of threats of technology are felt in all socio-economic spheres. Although, in the contemporary era, the worth of technology cannot be ignored, yet motivating people to maintain cautious privacy measures and producing tangible evidence of a violation by technology is imperative for its strategic use of technology. Lastly, this report advocates implementing appropriate Institutional parameters and security measures for the cautious use of technology. Moreover, all technology policies at the state level should keep human privacy and public safety advice at its heart.


Privacy, Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, Telescreens, Cyberstalking, Identity Theft, Digital Sovereignty, Human-Centric Technology 


The technological innovations and unprecedented breakthroughs have come with the cost of compromising privacy. Be it home, workplace, public spaces, corporate sector, international arena, Big Brother is watching you, as expounded by George Orwell. Undeniably, privacy is a fundamental human right that underscores individual control over personal data. However, technology is stealthily killing the right to privacy. With the rapid deployment of sophisticated technologies like automated surveillance, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and mobile tracking, the traditional idea of privacy has become obsolete (Cakrani, 2013). The notion of privacy is viewed entirely differently today as it has been considered before. A human inherits the quality of having control over their values, emotions, decisions, expression. However, technology has continuously onslaught the fundamentals of privacy without even the consent of the individuals (Van et al. 2019). In the form of continuous surveillance, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and cybersecurity, multiple techs-corporate and enterprises are disrupting private affairs and transforming the lifestyle of humans in an unimagined way. The most troubling thing is that when confidential data is being used for targeted marketing and experimentation at the hand of tech_ gurus, it jeopardizes personal information. At first, people are not aware of a breach of their privacy and where their data will be used. Secondly, people are miserably helpless to guard themselves given the anonymity at the hand of technology. Thus, unchecked encroachment of technology has fueled multiple privacy issues. These include; online victimization, cyberstalking, identity theft, employment fraud, sexual predating; all are done through a medium of technology. Digital devices with spying chips in them have breached the very ethical norms of individuals' privacy. It put a crimp on the right of movement of an individual by continuously monitoring them.

Moreover, sensors and enhanced searchers have so much penetrated people's lives that it allows the observers to view almost everything from walls to clothes (Bélanger, 2011). Such reinforcing of technologies allows them to shape the future incomprehensibly by permanently altering the modern lifestyle and nowhere to hide. Indeed, it not only violates ethical norms but tears apart the very foundation of privacy of people.

 The threats of technology are not ended here; it extended in international geopolitics as well, where every state is trying to keep an eye on other military and nuclear resources of another state, thus, engaging the belligerent states in a vicious cycle of hybrid warfare and reconnaissance of each other. In this way, common civilians and their privacy is crushed badly by virtual satellite surveillance and real-time interface. This has also led to the concept of 'Digital Sovereignty' or security of the state (Grover, 2015). The deployment of privacy-breaking technologies like cloud maneuvering, hacking of intelligence data, corrupting the confidential file, propagating war of narrative, and cyber warfare is becoming more prominent than ever, which hurts privacy at its core.

Ironically, privacy is being violated in the name of protection and security. Even though there are no authoritative measures for personal data safety under the government and intelligence sector, data collected by the government is not promised to be secured. Additionally, privacy is breached in such a way that it's difficult to guard against it. According to evidence-based research, in every 0.5 seconds, 500 accounts are hacked, 800 are cyberbullied, and 1000 plus online frauds are done (Bélanger, 2011). Presumably, these figures are just the tip of the iceberg; deep down, the cybercrime ratio has taken multiple forms to infringe the personal data of individuals and use it for vested interest.

There is a dire need to advocate that technology should come with responsibility. The essence of privacy should be kept at the heart of every technological innovation. Even Bill Gates urges over the laws of transparency, principles of integrity of privacy, and accountability as mandatory for corporate and government level. Certain measures should be taken, such as introducing digital law, data right regulations, privacy securing techniques, promoting transparency and accountability, and periodic data inspection to curb technology threats to an individual's privacy (Kiss, 2010). The government should step in to restore the users' expectations of privacy through awareness campaigns and security. As Elon Musk once quoted that it's not what you achieve, but how you achieve; thus, placing a privacy-centric approach at the center of any technology is key for a sustainable future.

Digital-Privacy Paradox

 The paradox of digital privacy entails how persons give up their personal information and data just for a small incentive. Just to join the social media platform, they subscribe and upload everyday detail that is required. Although they express concerns over privacy breaches, however, their acts undermine their beliefs, for instance, offering privacy in exchange for small incentives or transient gratification. The research has shown how app developers, marketers, and other tech companies maneuver this data and shape the policies accordingly. As reported by Cambridge Analytics Scandal, a third-party social media app has harvested the data beyond the figure of 270,000 users, which later use in shaping political campaigns, including the bid for Presidency of Trump's election 2016; this heightened the threat of data in the digital age. Indeed, to subscribe for security, one is jeopardizing one's privacy. Thus, digital paradox privacy costs more than benefit. 

Concept of Privacy

Privacy is defined as the right of the individual to be in solitude without expressing oneself and private information. A person can access information, have control over personal information and negotiate social relationships under social institutions. When something is private, it entails something that is inherently sensitive to that person. This constructs a boundary around a person’s private and public domain (Kiss, 2010). Privacy often overlaps with the concept of security as well; however, it may also social dignity and bodily integrity. Thus, limiting any onslaught to one’s personal information through any medium. 

Privacy as a fundamental right under UHRD 

Their importance of privacy can be gauged from the act that is also enshrined as the fundamental right of the individual as per article 12 of the Universal Human Rights Declaration. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home, or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks (Draft Committee 1948).

Therefore, privacy is Indeed a legal and civil right, and if it's breached, it results in tarnishing individuals' integrity, reputation, honor, intellectual property, and social nexus. Life is not merely a combination of food, shelter clothing, but at the core of sustainable life lies a demand for privacy.

The notion of privacy in the age of information

With unprecedented breakthroughs in technology in the information age, the notion of privacy has become more prominent than ever. Since the more data is exchanged, transferred, collected, and analyzed with every passing minute by the intrusion of technology, the current age comes with a higher stake in privacy. Additionally, the convenience and access to technology have made it so powerful that it becomes easier more than ever to breach anyone's privacy, to break into anyone's computer, to steal intellectual property inter alia. It has blurred the lines between private and public affairs. Technology has penetrated so much that even the corporate and business sector is confronting a challenge to keep customers' personal information confidential. Resultantly, it becomes the most delicate task to maintain consumer privacy protection with all around the technological invasion.

Why is privacy so important in the technological world?

Privacy is not a novel concept; its significance relates to every sphere of the individual, societal, corporate, psychological, and global level.

Preserve one's reputation 

Privacy is the first and foremost need to preserve the reputation of a person, particularly when a person is struggling with insecurities (Van et al. 2019). First instance, insecurities of financial position, relationship status, health, and psychological disorders are such delicate issues that can wreak havoc in one's life if exposed. For instance, taking the case of AIDS patients, AIDS victims' lives have more devasted the day the fact becomes public than the disease itself. Similarly, if someone is struggling with the financial crisis and take a loan for stability, it's become heartrending for him if his financial status is exposed that tarnishes his reputation in financial dealings. Thus, privacy is a core element to sustain a good reputation (Cakrani, 2013). Human beings value their reputation that is contingent on privacy and protection of the private sphere of life.

Deterrence to expression and exposure

Technology creates deterrence to the self-expression of the individual. There is no denying that people are expressive, but in private, particularly the emotional expression is always confined to a private affair. But in a feeling of being constantly monitored and surveilled, no one would be comfortable expressing itself fully. People are more likely to talk about their aspirations, weakness, happiness, choices, privately which might they otherwise won’t express under telescreens, due to apprehension of shame and judgment. 

Retain integrity and dignity 

Privacy is important in retaining the dignity of the individual in all spheres. People tend to maintain social order, good financial dealings, reasonable social nexus, and average positive image despite the pathetic situation in one's life. The notion of privacy kept them floating through life with honor and dignity. However, technology encroaches on the dignity of an individual by exposing its confidential data (Cakrani, 2013). 

An important tool of self-control

Privacy is like an instrument of control over a person’s privacy; when it is lost, a person also loses control. Pragmatically, privacy inherits one’s world with one’s own choices and decisively making thus interference of others is the amount to insecurity and losing things beyond its control. A glaring example is, loss of one’s password of ATM pin, which results in loss of control 

Delineating social boundary

Privacy is significant in maintaining social boundaries. It demarcated the line that distinguishes between public and private life, thus strengthening the individual's role performance and social functioning. For instance, individual behavior is different in a relationship between husband and wife, sister and brother, and colleagues. Thus, privacy maintains not only social boundary but also promise social order in a society.

Allow self-introspection

Privacy allows the individual to do self-analysis and introspect its act, behaviors, and habits. One is willing to admit one's fault and weaknesses. And as the maxim goes, the first step to progress is to acknowledge your fault. Thus, one is more inclined to improve that weakness. However, with constant monitoring, the chance of improvement is missed. As it is propounded in a book by George Orwell, 1984, that “Big brother is watching you.” 

Retaining one’s individuality 

Privacy is a fundamental right and a social concept in which society fosters freedom in individuals to have decision-making, choose between right and wrong, and have one's likes and dislikes. This, indeed, retain the privacy of the individual to have dignity in society. Additionally, it allows the person to celebrate their individuality and genuine thoughts. 

Bridging trust deficit 

The bridging of trust is key to privacy. When someone uses technology, Google, or social networking. He randomly surfs through it with the belief that no one is watching his activity. Thus, it inevitably bridges an agreement of trust between client and user to keep the information intact and confidential. However, when digital spying Is done on the movement, places, and activities of an individual, it' amounts to infringement of one's right to privacy and liberty (Kiss, 2010). Thus, activity is extended to various health and educational buildings as well that Curtails movement of people. 

Technological breakthroughs have the disruptive potential to assault privacy

With the advent of the 21st century, significant technological breakthroughs are made in almost every field, so it’s an assault on the privacy of the individual, corporate sector, social, and state level. From robotics to nanotechnology, there is various innovation from artificial intelligence to machine computing, from quantum learning to space technology (Kiss, 2010). These innovative breakthroughs are expected to transform the way people think, behave, interact, and how societies function. It brings a paradigm shift from assisting human beings to becoming human beings. It is mounting concerns about the way these technologies pose a threat to privacy.

How technology is proving a threat to privacy

Technology is growing as an unprecedented threat in multiple ways. The traditional concept of privacy has vanished with the emergence of privacy-destroying technologies. From automated surveillance to facial recognition, from fraud transactions to identity theft, from cyberbullying to sexual harassment are few glimpses of how technology has penetrated our private life without our consent (Grover, 2015). Various examples are also mentioned below:

Breach of Privacy in the garb of security 

The unprecedented technological advancement has brought the gift of convenience, protection, and ease; at the same time, it jeopardizes the privacy of individuals in the name of security. Many intellectual and educated persons advocate technology, but they are apprehensive of its privacy concerns regarding social networking, misuse of targeted marketing, data breaches inter alia (Cakrani, 2013). The Stanford cybercrime research reflected that not even a single government has managed to formulate the laws concerning the misuse of technology at the cost of an individual's privacy. Undeniably, technology has granted many technocrats and military strategists to monitor people, their movement, activities for security reasons. However, there is no clear-cut and defined laws in any country that set accountability, criteria, and transparency regarding surveilling the person in offline and online monitoring.

Usage of artificial intelligence 

Artificial intelligence has transformed the conceit of the privacy of individuals in an unprecedented way. From our sense of privacy to sense of ownership, from our consumption patterns to social interactions, from how we orient our careers to nurture skills, Artificial Intelligence transcends every aspect of human life. AI entails all kinds of technology that think and respond like that of humans, with the help of sensors, thus switching the decision-making power in the hand of the machine or, more precisely, AI-ROBOTS. It combines intelligence with various databases for predictive purposes. For instance, recognizing voice and face, profiling pattern assessment, image analysis, and social interactions. As a case study of the social machine, AI Robots talk and negotiate with the person on a business issue. In that case, the machine has the advantage that it is being perceived as an unbiased, nonpartisan, reliable, and credible source by the client. But the irony here is that a machine can make a person emotional, but itself cannot be affected by emotions. It records every action, movement, and emotion of the individual, thus violating the individual's privacy.

Control of Web and Internet 

It includes the control and monitoring of the Web and all human activity on the Internet. It detects all contents, patterns, and purpose-based targeted advertisement, antisocial tendencies like a pedophile, marketing, anti-terrorism, and all security operation conducting by using the Web. One of the renowned international analysts, Richards, expounded that Web surveillance is detrimental on four accounts. At first, surveillance is unprecedentedly transcending into public-private affairs. Second, there is a need to recognize that any secret surveillance done under any secret program is illegitimate. Such domestic surveillance programs need to be prohibited. Third, total surveillance by the government for recording all Internet without authorization is illegitimate too; this idea should be rejected. Fourth, surveillance is harmful on any account, in any case, as it breaches the fundamental right of privacy of individuals (Antón et al. 2011). Such usage of personal data by surveillance also discourages people from sharing the data with scientists and intellectuals for experiments and survey-based study. The biggest threat that comes with surveillance is loss of mental peace and psychic disorder, as fear of being constantly watched compel the people to behave, act, respond in water that they won’t otherwise do. This resultantly leads to loss of individual personality.

Surveillance of public and private places 

Another threat of technology to the privacy of the individual public and private places is made by digital spying. It is the technique where the camera, listening devices, and recorders are installed to spy on the activities and movement of individuals. Particularly, these are done to detect criminals, terrorists, suspicious persons and get the image or live picture after any incident of theft, burglary, vandalism. This digital spying also infringes the privacy and movement of an employee, teacher, couple in a restaurant, or family in a hotel. However, The surveillance of public spaces can be done by spy satellites that can virtually capture any event anytime. Precisely, they are supposed to help checking, genocide, mass cleansing, human rights violation, large-scale environmental decay, nuclear test, or explosion (Bélanger 2011). The paradox is that such expensive surveillance of public and private places is done merely for espionage of petty issues. Similarly, monitoring other countries artillery and arms, others military asset resources not just breach the sovereignty of other country but also jeopardize the privacy of common people living over there.

Surveillance of individual via GPS monitoring and radio frequency ID 

There is constant surveillance of individuals by tracking the location through GPS. Various companies tag their workers either through GPS or in the form of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) to locate their exact location and performance. It is incorporated into their ID badges, and they came under the umbrella of Company watch. However, it receives criticism against companies that it dehumanized and Breach individuality and privacy. There is rising apprehension that one day everyone will be surveillance and located where ever they go. It intrudes on the privacy of individuals and puts a crimp on the right for association and assembly (Antón et al. 2011). Mobile is the most common tool to gather geolocation data without even the consent of individuals, with the help of Radars and satellites. Many celebrities, politicians, and renowned persons are being tracked wherever they go, and there has been an outcry against the breach of privacy of individuals.


Introducing fingerprint scanning and Biometrics

Various methods of scanning, fingerprinting, facial recognition, and Biometrics are other technologies that proved to be a threat to the privacy of an individual. They are introduced in the ambit of establishing identity (Kuner, 2021). There are many Biometrics for identifying, such as; metal detectors, voice recognition, retinal scanning, iris scanning, facial recognition, DNA profiling, and body scanning. For instance, the case study of body scanning that makes the body visible naked is against ethical norms and intrusion of the bodily integrity of the person. Particularly, the females and religious group have voiced their concerns against such unethical technology. The threat of technology to the privacy of individuals has even surpassed ethical norms by introducing DNA printing and editing. It aimed to change the genetic makeup and eventually the traits of an individual before birth. It poses one of the greatest ethical challenges in history.

The platform of social media

The paradox is social networking is very personal, contrary to its name. People are panel to talk, communicate, share, interact in a social circle without having a physical interface. Thus, every factor underscores the worth of privacy and control of people over them. Even in the digital world, they have the right to keep personal things secure and private. The report of TRUSTe Consumer Index 2019 reflected that around 90% of Americans are losing trust in social media, and they have serious concerns regarding the privacy policy of Web networking. Such a massive public response is convincing evidence of encroachment of privacy on the social media platform. Another survey showed that 66% of Facebook users deleted their accounts because Facebook has experimented on their behavioral and emotional patterns without their consent. On social media platforms, people post personal data, upload pictures, share experiences, express emotions. The only reason people do that is, they trust social media platforms more than individuals.


The Internet cloud is flooded with personal data, and users, without being consciously aware, update their data, pictures, whereabouts on various sites. Thus, they become an easy victim of stalking and following without being even aware. As per an evidence-based report, around 63% of Facebook profiles are accessible to the public; they can even be googled. Some users post their events and check in so frequently that they can be conveniently stalked and accessed. According to Pew Research center, females are more likely to get stalked than men, and former ones are least likely to report or share with anyone regarding cyberstalking. Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram all provide an easy and convenient platform for stalkers to access personal data and private information.










Most common security incidents faced by SMEs

Common Security Incidence


Infection from Viruses or Malware


Attach by an unauthorized outsider


Denial of Service Attack


Staff-related Breach


Theft of intellectual property or confidential information


Table 1: Most common security incidents faced by SMEs (% of total number of UK SMEs surveyed- N=355) (OECD 2016)

Identity theft 

Identity theft is faking others' identities and hacking them for personal gains. The hacking of renowned personalities and celebrity accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is a glaring example of identity theft. With the availability of massive personal data, for instance, financial status, job description, relationship profile, etc (Kuner, 2021). It’s become quite easier to personify others by reproducing the personal profile. Many cases have been reported where people fake others' profiles. Additionally, there are cases of stolen photographs and creating a fake account on someone another identity. Then they share illicit material or create their influence under a fake identity. Which eventually, undermine the notion of privacy of the individual to have control over their resources and secret.

Employment Fraud

Another threat to privacy at hand if technology is employment fraud. Since all personal data if the individual is accessible and available on the online platform, so people reproduce these data and create an advertisement for certain employment or vacancy under fane and replicated identity. Particularly in developing countries, where there are meager employment opportunities, unemployed people readily filled their allowance details. Which later exploited for personal gains and conducting customer research. According to the Employment scam Report, 2020, more than 80% percent of scams reported to BBB tracker during the pandemic, which is an alarming figure. Most of the time, the job application link is attached with an unprotected attachment that leads to cookies to trail trends. This enables the fraud to even locate the location of the person. Moreover, it often got the bank details and credit card details if a person has and gets the transaction of money in a matter of seconds. This misleading technological link assaults the privacy of the individual. Even worse is that it deprives the individual of know-how is behind that and how can one guard one’s privacy. 

Online victimization

It has been observed that teenage girls are subjected to online victimization. Particularly, those who newly joined social media and inclined towards accepting friend requests are more vulnerable to victimization. With the conversation of teenage users is more centered towards relationship status and fashion, they can easily be swayed by emotions and then harassed and blackmailed. For instance, verbal abuse, bullying, assault, and peer victimization are most prevalent. According to National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), the figure of online victimization has fueled more than 50% during the COVID pandemic and lockdown. That eventually leads the individual to psychological order and ultimately depression. Lockdown results in confinement in the home, which provides stalkers and perpetrators with increased opportunity for monitoring and surveillance of victims. Online victimization also comes with xenophobia, transphobia, Homophones as reported in Hate crime reports, and these hate crimes are 90 % conducted through the use of technology.

Sexual predators 

Anonymity and accessibility are some of the features of technology that promote sexual harassment and exploitation. With social media flooded with a teenager, with personal data uploaded, they fall on easy prey of sexual predators. Who is looking for tender teenagers to exploit and blackmail? According to a pew research center report, 1 out of every 5 Facebook accounts is sexually harassed or attempted for a sexual favor. Worst of all is the anonymity of perpetrators, technology being covertly unable the victim to reach the Exploiter. They are blackmailed and sexually harassed at the hands of sexual predators. Thus, compelled to succumb to their demands. 

Implications of threats of technology in different spheres

The repercussion of threats associated with technology is felt at multiple levels. Technology and privacy are directly related to each other. However, the risk of technology is manifested at the individual, societal, and global level as summarized below: 

Threat to the privacy of an individual

The impacts of threats of privacy have transcended individual life on multiple fronts. From daily chores to professional activity, from choices to decision-making, from behavior to action, every activity of an individual is being watched and shaped (Katharine 2017). Individual ability to have control over privacy is breached by the gift of technology. George Orwell, 1984, portrayed the picture of an “all-seeing eye” that monitors 24/7. Collection of data may cause various dangers at the individual level: 

· Covert operations 

· Cyberstalking and hacking

· Selective advertising

· Identify theft

· Blacklisting 

Threat to Privacy at home

It is no surprise that stating home will not guarantee the privacy of a person. One may not avoid being surveilled and monitored within four walls. Even the risk of technology has penetrated the privacy of homes and workplaces. All electronic communications can be observed by existing technologies, be it any gadget, cellphone, fax machine, email, etc. (Antón et al. 2011). Particularly, increasingly sophisticated an automated machine use voice recognition, contents analysis, facial profiling, and voiceprint to capture, process, store and reproduce that personal data. 


Threat to privacy at the workplace:

Very few workplaces have data protection laws or safety measures. Many employers’ have installed cameras, surveillance devices, tape recorder, and monitoring software to keep an eye on the activities of employees (Katharine 2017). Moreover, some are extended to the point of allocating GPS badges to trace the location of employees. This put a crimp on the privacy of individuals and their movement. According to Pew, At the research center, around 200 million employees are subject to monitoring. With advancements in technology, mini cameras are becoming more conductive and affordable for employers to install in computers. Thus, assault on the privacy of individuals at the workplace has become more prominent than ever. Even today, there is no need to buy a manual camera; there is an app name investigated 2.0 that, once installed on gadgets, covertly monitors all activities and functioning of employees. Thereby violating the very foundation of privacy.

· Tracking employees’ location

· Biometric attendance

· Facial profiling and face-recognition

· Surveillance of activities

Table 2: Cybersecurity threats table: Old School vs AI

(CB Insights, 2017)

Threat to Privacy and security of the state

Technological advancements are not limited to the state but also extending beyond the boundary of government. It has put a crimp on the state’s ability to control and maintain your sovereignty. For instance, at times, it becomes difficult for the state to keep control and maintain law and order due to the unprecedented intrusion of technology. Such as Activities of the terrorist outfit, Al-Qaeda and ISIS materialize their illegitimate act but using technology and social media platform. Moreover, state security is constantly under threat due to Reconnaissance technology or satellite surveillance (Tikk, 2017). Indeed, technological threat in international geopolitics is disruptive and provocative that states too to embark on cybersecurity race to counter the deterrence of state. The most prominent threat of technology to state security areas:

· Breach of digital sovereignty 

· Trigger Fourth Generation Warfare   

· Breaking into intelligence data     

· Spying of state’s

· military and nuclear asset         

· Reconnaissance and

· satellite surveillance   

· Interfering state’s

· electoral process  

Ways to minimize the threat of technology to privacy

The technology itself is not bad; however, its misuse and tendency to threaten the privacy of a person made it so. Various transformational trends are offered to minimize or stop the risk of technology to the privacy of the individual (Sophie C. Boerman 2018). They are summarised as follows.

Data inspection and protection periodically

The existence of a built-in system within a system for periodic inspection and protection of data needs to be installed. Inspection of data limits the infringement of privacy. Authoritative and independent supervision of data protection is to be promised. 

Privacy Control techniques

One of the best privacy frameworks to curb the threat of technology is privacy control techniques. Most reliable privacy control techniques are proposed by Altman and colleagues (2015) help to formulate policies of government regarding data security. These are summarized as 

· Procedural controls focused on internal procedures, such as access control and database minimization, by creating inventories and implementing notices.

· Technical controls deal with a combination of statistical, computing, and human factors. It limits breaches of privacy by generating encryption and differential policy.

· Legal controls guarantee the proper safety of the data via legal rights and regulations. Such as strengthening of digital rights, civil or criminal punishment in violation of data rights 

· Economic controls entail any interference intended to jeopardize the economic states of stakeholders such as intellectual property rights, the fee to access information, and insurance of data subscription inter alia. 

· Educational control inherits educating the users by using notices, awareness campaigns, and transparency. It ensures authentic information to the subject, recipient, collector, and controllers. 

Bringing transparency and regularity in the system 

Integrating transparency and accountability will promise privacy in technology. It discouraged the automatic transmission of personal data to a certain point, for any purpose. If somehow there is a need to use data, a special contract or consent will require. The system will account for the flow, processing, and storing of one’s data and its security (Kuner, 2021). In bringing transparency to the system, software users are restricted from using any secure and recognized data.

Fig. 1: What small businesses can do better to protect themselves

(OECD 2016)

Dismantling anonymity and Re-identification to curb privacy infringement 

It is an innovative approach for ensuring the privacy and personal data of an individual. It refers to identify any sensitive or explicit data of an individual and then de-identified and anonymized. Similarly, Re-identification involves the tracing of individual records back to the source through reversing all steps (Jang 2014). Linking public records and voter registration data is a perfect case in point, where information is de-identify, and it no more remains as data.

Introducing Data protection laws and regulations: 

There is a dire need to formulate data protection laws. Since right, if privacy is one of the fundamental rights of the individual, therefore, indivisible must be assured the freedom to access, block, correct, and delete information (Antón et al. 2011). The sole prerogative of private information must be vested with the individual. Fair usage if data policy should be introduced. For instance, the Privacy Act of 1988 is a perfect example. Moreover, the OECD Guidelines for the protection of privacy and Transborder Flows of Information is a layout for designing a system that keeps the individual's privacy at priority. 

Mandating confidential data into consent and agreement: 

There must be a contractual relationship between user and enterprise. If information is gathered on a consent basis, then the subject is answerable before using it. Moreover, consent can be withdrawn if there is any violation or sharing of data. There should be minimum criteria of consent that underpins; right to withdraw consent, right to access consent whenever needed, right to know consequences of the consent, etc. (Bernadette 2019). Therefore, consent lies at the heart of technology to secure the privacy of the individual.




Conclusively, technology brings many advantages in the modern world but at the cost of Privacy. It breaches the very fundamental right of the individual to have privacy. Technology is not always a panacea for all security and protective problems. However, satellite imagery and virtual surveillance do capture the city that is burnt, but it is never able to recognize the perpetrator who burnt the cities down. It is still primitive age to understand the influence of technology for better or worse. Indeed, judicious and effective use of technology is only a panacea of the wellbeing of mankind. All technological advancement and innovation should be made by keeping privacy at the center of it.


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