question archive Speak on your approved topic with one General Purpose, Inform, or Inspire, or Entertain

Speak on your approved topic with one General Purpose, Inform, or Inspire, or Entertain

Subject:EnglishPrice: Bought3

Speak on your approved topic with one General Purpose, Inform, or Inspire, or Entertain. 

Inform, share information about a person, place or thing. Inspire, inspirational or motivational, or Entertain, review or critique a movie, book, or album/CD. 

1. Speak 4-6 minutes, four minutes minimum and six minutes maximum. There are two points deducted for every ten seconds over or under the time limits.  

2. Submit a typed outline (following the examples/template from Chapter 12) through Turnitin, 20 points.   

3. Use a PowerPoint, Prezi, or Slide presentation. 4. Use oral footnotes, (cite/say a minimum of two credible sources, in the introduction is preferred, and/or in the body of the speech to give credibility to a specific piece of information. You can be a source if you have (and cite) your experience or expertise5. You must wear semi-professional or topic appropriate clothing.  Speech 115 points possible, Outline 20 points possible. 


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