question archive Comparative Politics Essay         Student’s Name Institutional Affiliations Instructor Course Date                   Comparative Politics Essay   Do States Continue To Have Effective Economic Sovereignty Or Has the Globalization Forced States To Adopt Certain Economic And Political Policies? Social, economic, and political forces dramatically changed the interaction among nations and the nature of institutional relations, administration, public policy, and politics within the nation-states

Comparative Politics Essay         Student’s Name Institutional Affiliations Instructor Course Date                   Comparative Politics Essay   Do States Continue To Have Effective Economic Sovereignty Or Has the Globalization Forced States To Adopt Certain Economic And Political Policies? Social, economic, and political forces dramatically changed the interaction among nations and the nature of institutional relations, administration, public policy, and politics within the nation-states

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Comparative Politics Essay


Do States Continue To Have Effective Economic Sovereignty Or Has the Globalization Forced States To Adopt Certain Economic And Political Policies?

Social, economic, and political forces dramatically changed the interaction among nations and the nature of institutional relations, administration, public policy, and politics within the nation-states. The globalization wave is certainly irresistible, although primarily it is confronted with an extensive level of mixed reactions, which showcases the dissatisfaction and frustration from the Global South. The most prominent hair-splitting opinion concerning globalization is that it is viewed as an economic powerhouse whose primary goals include eliminating the nation-state sovereignty, mainly concerning political and economic autonomy. However, the nation-state acts as a toothless partner in the globalization process (Isakova, & Romanova, 2021).It lacks the mandate or power to manage or control the voice about the policies and principles under which globalization perception is advanced. On the contrary, some scholars believe that globalization had advanced in recent years as an asocial, economic, political, and technologically integrative process due to its sound involvement in the nation-state via the rapid expansion and market liberalization coupled with trade harmonization. Nonetheless, at the turn of the century, there have been newfound realities that have proved otherwise. In essence, there are many countries that are still experiencing choking debts despite having been part of the globalization process (Isakova, & Romanova, 2021). It is the falling nature of the poor nation-state economies that raises concerns about the legitimacy of globalization as the political and socio-economic messiah to the international stage.

The most serious concern is whether the nation-state possesses all the required policies and modalities to counter globalization issues for human development to improve the economies that are already crumbling. For this reason, within the globalization process, the nation-state sovereignty has various tributaries to address beyond the implications that may occur due to the globalization dynamics. For this reason, globalization may have some crucial attributes that possess major significance and effect on nation-state sovereignty.

Type of Regimes Can Pursue Effective Economic Policy in the Age of Globalization and Why

The economic regime that globalization can support is Democracy. The interaction between democracy and globalization has been explored in various scholarly articles. Most academicians agree that globalization means that nation-states are developing into a more integrated global economy at the lowest level. In essence, this means that there is an increase in information flow, financial and trade openness. Similarly, democracy also implies a national political regime based on broader political representations and free elections. For this reason, there is an enduring tenet based on the post-cold war that means that globalization can act as a link for democratization (Espirito, de Souza, & Martinez, 2020). In other words, when democratic ideals sweep across international borders into other authoritarian countries, it turns the concept of democratization inevitable. A great example of globalization and democratization is the Orwellian North Korean government which has shifted gingerly online even though an extensive number of its population lacks electronic access to what is happening in other countries. Another great example is that European Union was once seen as an economic community. It now needs democratic leadership as one of the primary facets for membership and advocates for democracy in its collective international policy.


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