question archive Human Resources Management (HRM)       Student’s Name Institutional Affiliations Instructor Course Date                       Human Resources Management (HRM) Possible Career Paths in the Field Of Human Resources Management (HRM) A human resource manager is responsible for developing an organization’s culture, maintains payroll and benefits, and recruits new employees

Human Resources Management (HRM)       Student’s Name Institutional Affiliations Instructor Course Date                       Human Resources Management (HRM) Possible Career Paths in the Field Of Human Resources Management (HRM) A human resource manager is responsible for developing an organization’s culture, maintains payroll and benefits, and recruits new employees

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Human Resources Management (HRM)




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Human Resources Management (HRM)

Possible Career Paths in the Field Of Human Resources Management (HRM)

A human resource manager is responsible for developing an organization’s culture, maintains payroll and benefits, and recruits new employees. They are a vital part of any corporation in any industry. Human Resource Management career can provide various exciting options for anyone choosing a career path in this field. Its professionals possess an extensive range of career choices from training, recruiting and development, benefits administration, and labor relations (De Mauro et al., 2018). It is essential to comprehend what a Human Resource Management career path entails and how it functions (Ramada, 2020). Two primary elements in the Human Resource Management career are the specialist, and the generalist. Human Resource Management generalists are less concentrated and manage various tasks and areas simultaneously (De Mauro et al., 2018). On the other hand, Human Resource specialists concentrate their efforts on a single facet, such as training or recruiting (Ramada, 2020).

As a thumb rule, small-scale companies and organizations possess one or more Human resource generalists that manage all matters pertaining to Human Resources. The same organizations or companies may have many specialists devoted to addressing or handling specific services and areas. An extensive organization may also possess select HR generalists responsible for managing employee relations and interactions.

It is possible to switch between a specialist positional and a generalist position. During the early stages of an HR career, it is easier to change. As a person spends more time and gets experience, it fine-tunes their skills and attributes in individual specific careers making their expertise valuable, which makes career changes a challenging option (De Mauro et al., 2018). For this reason, it is an exemplary idea for a person to explore all chances or possibilities of switching between a specific or generalist position at an early stage of a Human Resource Manager career (Ramada, 2020). Most entry-level jobs in Human Resource Management are possible in administrative and recruiting roles. In the recruitment role, new entrants in Human Resource management will likely network with HRM specialists and decide if it is something they would love.

After an individual obtains a resource management certificate, the graduate can apply and qualify for several positions. They include a recruiter, an HRM assistant, a Human Resources Management Clerk, Training and Development Coordinator, an HRM generalist, and a payroll Specialist. A person with a bachelor’s degree in Human Resource has various open opportunities. They may be placed in multiple roles such as Training and Development Manager, Employee relations manager, Human Resources Manager, HR information systems manager, benefit, or Compensation Analysis, (Ramada, 2020). Additionally, an individuals with a Human resource master’s degree may be placed in various positions such as Director of Human Resources and VP Human resources.

Developing and Implementing a Strategic HRM Plan

The process of strategic planning encompasses several unique but interconnected approaches that encompass assessing the company's current situation. It also entails articulating and envisioning the desired future of the company, which is backed by strategy formulation. Comprehending how human resource planning functions are essential in leveraging the strategic alignment of company resources and the staff.

The first stage in implementing and developing a strategic HRM plan is to evaluate and examine the current employees. Before making any steps to recruit new staff for a company, it is essential to comprehend the talent already existing in the organization. Besides, create a skill and competency inventory for each worker in the organization.

The second step is forecasting Human Resource Management Requirements. Immediately the company possesses the complete inventory of the resources at hand, it is paramount to commence forecasting future demands (Delery, & Roumpi, 2017). Evaluate both the company’s needs for highly experienced and qualified employees and the employee supply either outside or within the company. As a result, carefully control and manage this demand (Michael, 2019). The hiring process becomes challenging when matching demand and supply. Hence, it is advisable to create a plan that can connect the needs of the organization with quality employees.

After establishing the company's staffing demands and needs by assessing the current talent at the organization and forecasting the demand and supply, proceed to the process of training, developing, and adding talent. Training and development is an essential element of the Human Resource management process (Michael, 2019). Robust company culture is essential in attracting and retaining top talent. It is imperative to ensure that the company is maintaining a favorable environment by concentrating on safety, health, and quality of work life.

Once a human resource strategic plan is set for a reasonable period, evaluate whether it has functioned effectively in the organization. It should be assessed whether it has been vital in helping the company realize its objectives and goals such as employee retention, profit, production, and employee satisfaction (Michael, 2019). Suppose everything is operating smoothly in accordance with the plan but some red flags are encountered along the way. In that case, change some aspects to help in suiting the plan to the company objectives.


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