question archive Project Requirements     Project Background:     Paper: The SEC 10-K assignment will consist of research to write a paper on an annual SEC 10-K report filed by a public company with the U

Project Requirements     Project Background:     Paper: The SEC 10-K assignment will consist of research to write a paper on an annual SEC 10-K report filed by a public company with the U

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Project Requirements



Project Background:




The SEC 10-K assignment will consist of research to write a paper on an annual SEC 10-K report filed by a public company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).  The focus of this assignment is on the financial statements as a whole and the concepts related to the topics covered in this course. You will conduct internet-based research to select a public company of your choice from the list of companies included in the Fortune 500 companies, and locate its most recent SEC 10-K report for your project.  As part of this project, you will participate each week in the discussions specifically designed to guide you through this project.  You will share your experience with your fellow students to learn from each other through discussion postings.  There are two deliverables: (1) SEC 10-K Paper, and (2) SEC 10-K Power Point presentation based on your paper. Grading will be per Rubric in Leo. It is recommended that you review the rubric to maximize your earned grade.


Project Content:


A. Cover Page

Name of Company, Annual Report date, Name, Date


B. Introduction to Company and Basic Financial Information

Page providing background information on company such as (at minimum) age of company, locations, number of employees, products, major competitors



C. Describe/explain the following concepts as related to your chosen company. Label Each Component. Do not copy and paste from SEC10K report.

1. Management Discussion and Analysis Section of SEC10K Report

2. What is the company’s revenue? What is the company’s policy on revenue recognition?

3. Long-Term Debt and Equity - discuss components of long-term debt and total section of the balance sheet.

4. Does the company have any deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities disclosed in the notes? Describe the terms and items specific to your company.

5. Earnings per share and diluted earnings per share-explain and analyze the company’s earnings and diluted per share (compare to company trend, industry, and competitors)

6. Post Retirement Benefit Plans-(a) does the company have defined benefit or defined contribution plan or both? (b) Describe differences between defined benefit and defined contribution plans.

7. What are the largest increases and decreases in the operating activities section of the Statement of Cash Flows? What could this be attributed to?


8. Financial Statement Note Disclosures - explain one disclosure that has not been discussed elsewhere in your paper


D. References


E. Reflection. Provide a narrative of what you learned from this process


Reminder - See Rubric Assessment for Grading Expectations


Power Point Presentation: 8-10 slides total

Walk the students through the detail of your paper: Sections A-D

Provide detail that you would present in person in the notes to the power point slides



Paper Format:

You may benefit from the use of the UMGC writing center. (See:

Write your paper, read carefully, and consider possible edits and changes. (try

Start early. You have plenty of time to complete this project. Your paper should consist, at a minimum, of the following:

· 3-4 pages single spaced, double space between paragraphs. Page count does not include title page, tables and exhibits, table of contents, and works cited list

· title page

· references (business classes use APA format)

· in text citations (business classes use APA format)

· tables, and appendixes if you wish to copy and paste financial statements or materials you did not write (these will not be part of the ‘page count’)

· Your paper should use one-inch margins on the left, right, top, and bottom of each page, and font set at 12 point.

· Take care to comply with the UMGC policy for academic honesty

· Post for Peer Review/Provide Peer Review


This course is integrated with TURNITIN.  This tool is integrated and enabled in our classroom.

Instructions for use of TURNITIN can be found under the resources link in our classroom. 


It is important that all submissions in our class be completed by you, in your own words. Do not copy and paste from the SEC 10K report as it will not count as original work. Do not risk the fact or appearance of academic dishonesty.  Please email me if you have any concerns on this issue. The goal is for you to complete the homework, postings, quizzes, exams, and submissions for this course including reports, power point files, and projects, in your own words to show your mastery of topics and concepts for our course.

· Our discussion postings during the semester should assist you in completing this paper


· Visit the Accounting Toolbox in the Course Content of our LEO classroom

· The Accounting Toolbox is a constant resource in our UMGC undergraduate accounting courses

· Links and explanations to assist you with this paper may appear in this resource


· Post any questions you may have!


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