question archive ASSESSMENT: The assessment tasks are designed to assess the learning outcomes for the module

ASSESSMENT: The assessment tasks are designed to assess the learning outcomes for the module

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The assessment tasks are designed to assess the learning outcomes for the module.

Total word count Word Count 3000.


Your work can be presented as:


1. Task 1: Five Learning Journal Entries; Task 2: Feedback & Developmental Goals Summary, Task 3: Individual Reflection & Personal Development Plan. All tasks to be submitted as an Assessment Portfolio in one document.


2. Task 1:Five Learning Journal Entries, Task 2:Feedback & Developmental Goals Summary. Task 1 & 2 to be submitted as an Assessment Portfolio in one document and Task 3: a 15-minute presentation to complete the Individual Reflection & Personal Development Plan.


1 & 2 will need to meet the same indicative assessment criteria (see mark grid for full details).


Formative Assessment: Online Development Centre Design/PlanThis must be checked and signed off prior to facilitating your group’s online DC


Use the template booklet to provide evidence:

· How the Employability Agenda links to the Development Centre

· Maximum time 2 hours 15mins (including preparation and debrief)

· Maximum number of activities 4

· Maximum number of 4 competencies to be assessed

· Competency development/descriptions, Behaviour Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

· DC time plan

· Matrix linking activities to competencies

· Evidence/evaluation documents


Task 1: Learning Journal (30%) 1000 words (LO1 & LO2)


Five entries during the set period (see below) and to be included in your final Assessment Portfolio submitted on 1st April 2021). If you do not complete all five entries, it will reduce the available marks.


Deadline Date



25th Oct

· What is my experience of being managed? Both good and Bad

· Factors that facilitate my development as a leader

· Factors that inhabit my development as a leader

· What are my strengths?

· Where do I see myself five years from now?

· What are my career related goals?


15th Nov

· Do I prefer to work alone or in teams? Why?

· What are the problems associated with working in a team? Give an example.

· The skills I need to excel in working in a team

· A situation where there was a disagreement/difference of opinion among team members. How did the group resolve it?


20th Dec

· In what ways did participating in a DC (as an evaluator as well as a participant) aid my skill development?

· Reflecting on last year, what activities did I engage in to advance my learning and professional development?

· What online courses, LinkedIn Learning certifications, webinars etc. can I add to my CV?


14th Feb

· What are the key employability skills that employers look for?

· Why did your DC group choose a particular set of competencies?

· Challenges I faced while writing non-judgmental feedback.

· What do I look for in feedback?

· Has negative feedback had a major impact on me?

· What positive feedback that I received recently


21st March


· Model of reflection that I used for analysing my reflections. Why did I choose this model?

· Difficulties I encountered deciding which theoretical managing and developing models to analyse.

· Benefits of reflection – my personal experience

· What are my key learning from attending guest webinars?

· Things I enjoyed in this module



Task 2: Feedback and Developmental Goals Summary (30%) Word count: 750 (excluding appendices) (LO3 & LO4) Sent to the participant on 22nd Jan 2021, included in the Assessment Portfolio Tasks submission on 1st April 21.

· Evidence and Evaluation of the student participant’s online DC performance, based on competencies and applying Behaviour anchored rating scale (BARS); structured to include two areas of strengths and two areas to develop.

· Make suggestions of actions for development for the student participant in the form of a Personal development plan (included as appendix to the Feedback and Developmental Goals Summary).

· Evidence of who sent the report to the student participant on behalf of the group on 22nd Jan 2021.

· Include the name of the student participant.


Task 3: Individual Reflection & Personal Development Plan (40%) (1200 words) (LO5 & LO6)

Included in the Assessment Portfolio Tasks Submission 1st April 2021.



Based on the learning journals you have completed (all to be included in the final submission): apply relevant scholarly concepts, theories and models to examine and analyse how these experiences could influence your future employability behaviours developing your pre-professional identity.


Construct a 1-year personal development plan, including SMART objectives; connecting your analysis to your potential future development needs (included in the appendix).



· Selection of up to two appropriate events or examples from your learning journal. 


· Application of appropriate reading and concepts from the module, theories and/or models. Used to evaluate the influence of the chosen events or examples on your future employability behaviours and/ or attitudes.


· Does the theory work in practice? Identification of any limits of the concepts and theories and modules you have applied in your analysis.

· Focus must be on application of concepts, theories and models to the chosen significant events or examples; do not just provide a summary of the concept, theory or model. Use your own words. No lengthy quotations from the work of other writers; no cutting and pasting from other sources.


· Excellent links made between your reflections, analysis of development areas and the development plan.

· Reference cited must relate to the concepts, theories and models you applied using Harvard referencing.


Appendices should include:


· The development plan three areas to develop, SMART objectives, a minimum of three learning strategies per point and identification of appropriate resources.

· Reference list

· Copies of your learning journal entries




If you wish to present your Individual Reflection and Personal Development using option 2 you need to inform Julie Fowlie by 27th January 2021.








Development Centre Plan: Must be signed off before your group runs the online DC


Task 1: Learning Journals 30%: Five entries on the dates given will be required to obtain the full 30%: Submitted as part of Assessment Portfolio Tasks submission. Marks (subject to exam board) available 4th May 2021.


Task 2: Feedback and Developmental Goals Summary 30%: to be sent to the student participant by 22nd Jan, 2021 and submitted as part of Assessment Portfolio Tasks submission by 10am on 1st April 2021: Marks (subject to exam board) available 4th May 2021.


Task 3: Individual Reflection & Personal Development Plan 40%: Submitted as part of Assessment Portfolio Tasks submission 1st April 2021 by 10am: Marks (subject to exam board) available 4th May 2021.




Presentation Guidelines:

· The assessment portfolio tasks to be submitted as one document through the Turnitin assessment point on HR380 by 10am on the submission date. Please make sure you follow the guidance for submitting assignments always keep a copy of your submission – (in case you are asked to present this at some time in the future).

· The Feedback and developmental goals summary should include: the name of the student you evaluated.

· Include a table listing the contents and providing the page number on which each item in the table begins; all pages should be numbered (including any appendices)



General assessment criteria



· 1.5 spacing minimum of 12 point for the font size (all work will be marked on-line)

· Title pages contains full details specified in the presentation guidelines

· Table of contents

· Strict adherence to word limits

· Appropriateness of materials selected for inclusion in appendices

· References in text with page numbers; Harvard referencing used

· Diagrams used correctly and labelled, citing full citation details

· Neat, clear, logical presentation, clearly labelled and easy to follow

Submitted on time
· Reports submitted up to two weeks past the cut-off date will receive a mark capped at 40 after that a mark of 0

· All that was asked for; fulfils the task; clearly follows guidelines



· Own work, relevant; unique and original

· Authentic reflection, including the context of your learning, awareness of the stages of the experience and your own correctly framed personal development plan


Application of theory

· Demonstrates reading and correct use of concepts from the module

· Development plans should be appropriate and achievable



HR380 programme 2020-21


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