question archive Pick a Trademark , any trademark  research and discuss a company’s trademark that has been awarded protection by the U

Pick a Trademark , any trademark  research and discuss a company’s trademark that has been awarded protection by the U

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

Pick a Trademark , any trademark

 research and discuss a company’s trademark that has been awarded protection by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. You may select the company that you work for, or a company you aspire to work for. You’re welcome to select one simply from a company you admire or that intrigues you in any way. Have fun making a choice.Describe the trademark, its application (e.g., does it cover merchandise, a service, a website … what does the mark relate to?). Was there any objections or litigation surround the trademark application or award? If so write about that. Do you believe there is a risk of infringement? Are there international IP implications? What other interesting information surrounded its application or award? In [too?] many cases, it’s not so simple as designing a mark and completing governmental documents, so help your classmates learn about the complicated, challenging process of filing for and attaining IP protection from the U.S. government.Responsive Posts 

This week’s Responsive Posts will be more demanding than most. As always, before Sunday’s end respond to at least two other students’ Initial Post. This time, add to their Discussion. Using their selected TM, do your own research and fill in the picture. As stated, these are frequently complicated, years-long endeavors and along the way there likely are many articles, legal disputes, and other information.


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