question archive Running head: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 2 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Annotated bibliography Introduction                 PICOT question:   Annotated Bibliography     1

Running head: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 2 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Annotated bibliography Introduction                 PICOT question:   Annotated Bibliography     1

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Annotated bibliography










PICOT question:


Annotated Bibliography



1. Ann, M. H., Davis, A., & Glowatz, T. (2015). Development of a diabetes learning needs assessment tool to promote an individualized predischarge patient education plan. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 46(11), 484-486. doi:

The purpose of this artic le is to motivate nurses’ staff to empower patient to improve their understanding of their diabetes management. The article emphasizes the importance of the knowledge and successful glycemic control in diabetic patients. Therefore, Authors promote the necessity of implement a pre-discharge patient education plan to identify and address the knowledge and skill needed for diabetic patients after discharge. The pre-discharge need assessment consist in several questions that the nurse can ask to patient such us: What medication do you take? Do you know how to administer correctly those medications? Are you in insulin? Do you how to how to drawing it up and injecting it? Do you know what A1C is? Etc. The experiment was done to 44 diabetes patients. The need assessment was used in the admission and in discharge day. Nurses used the data collected to select appropriate learning materials and used them to reinforce the patients’ knowledge. As a result, the diabetic education increased in from 36% to 63% in five months. The documentation of diabetes education also increased because nurses understood the importance of the education in diabetic patients.

2. Blackman, N. (2008). The development of an assessment tool for the bereavement needs of people with learning disabilities. British Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 36(3), 165-170. Retrieved from:


The aim of this article is the development of a bereavement needs assessment tool to assess the need for crisis intervention for people with learning disabilities after a family death. With the assessment tools, health professionals can make a comprehensive assessment at the bereavement time to discover the problem and a plan can be put it in action. The tool was developed with the recompilation of several collected experience over the years of supporting grieving people with learning disabilities. The assessment tool has ten questions with sub- questions. The main points of the assessment are the practical issues, social issues, and emotional issues. The assessment tool has been tried out in three community teams and their results are being used to redefine the tool. The author will incorporate findings from research results to the assessment tool to refine the bereavement assessment. The used of the bereavement assessment toll will promote discussion and reflection among health care providers about losses in people with learning disability.


3. Ewing, G., & Grande, G. (2013). Development of a carer support needs assessment tool (CSNAT) for end-of-life care practice at home: A qualitative study. Palliative Medicine, 27(3), 244-56. doi:


The authors of this article recognized the need to assess and support the care givers that are providing end- of – life care to help them in their caring role. The purpose of this article is to collect care givers’ perception of key aspects of end of life care at home and to create a need assessment tool that can be used every day. A qualitative research method was done. Seventy five adult care givers for hospice patients we interviewed in the United Kingdom. They were divided in nine focus groups. Twenty two participants had private interviews no more than ten minutes in duration. All participants sing their informed consent before the experiment started. The assessment tool used evaluated 14 domains of support needs within physical, practical, social, financial, physiological, and spiritual needs that the care givers may have. The experimental study identified two brad groups of support that the care givers need. The first one was to enable them to care for their relatives and the second one to have more support for them. The Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool that was used in this research is an evidence based toll to measure the care givers support needs.

4. Jenkins, J. O. (2010). A multi-faceted formative assessment approach: better recognizing the learning needs of students. Assessment & Evaluation In Higher Education, 35(5), 565-576.Retrieved from:


The purpose of this article is to create a multi-faceted formative assessment that enabled student to be more engage in the assessment process. The assessment will better meet the students’ learning and assessment needs. The approaches in this article put the students in the center of the learning experience to improve students understanding the assessment. The multifaceted formative assessment had six initiatives: (1) The creation of subject specific reader that present more clearly the purpose of the assessment, (2) The assessment was refocused depend on the hours involved and not in the number of words that it has, (3) The amount of assignment was reduced, (4) The assessment had detailed guidance notes to help creating an effective self-study environment, (4) an assignment tutorial was created to facilitate discussion of the assignment to improve learning, and (6) an E-learning environment was introduced to enhance the assignment submissions and comments that will help in the assessment’s formative process. The results of the assessment were done by reading and analyzing the students’ feedback and perceptions of the assessment process. The results of this study indicate that the development of a module reader was useful for the students to be engaged with the subject being studied. It also shown that the assignment tutorial and guidance note helped them to be more engage with the assessment. Therefore, the author of this article recommends that other subjects use the readers, assignment –based tutorials and the guidance note to help the student with their learning process

5. Kamaraj, D. C., Dicianno, B. E., & Cooper, R. A. (2014). A participatory approach to develop the power mobility screening tool and the power mobility clinical driving assessment tool. BioMed Research International, doi:

The development of evidence based training protocol for electric powered wheelchair users such us disability persons has been a challenge because of a lack of standardized assessment toll. The purpose of this article is to develop the Power Mobility Screening Tool (PMST) and the Power Mobility Clinical Driving Assessment (PMCDA). The research method was a qualitative participatory research. The research was done an approved by the University of Pittsburgh’s Institutional. Twenty one participants were agreed to participate in the surveys and in the focus groups phases of the research. In the process, there were two surveys to create a list of items that will be including in the PMST and in the PMCDA. The participants rank, in the surveys, each of the screening tests in order of importance. After the survey was done, he participant were invited to participate in a focus group in which they discuss two sections the screen tool and the assessment tool. The results of this research realized tree standards that need to be fallow in the creation of the assessments. First, the goal of the PMCDA should toward improving mobility and independence of individual with disability rather than improve the access to the wheel chair. Second, the goal should be measurable so can identify progress with training. Third, the measurement should be able to recognized areas in which trainings should improve. Because this research was done with a small sample group, authors subject that further testing is needed to evaluate the effectivity of administrating these tools in clinical environment


6. Macan, T., Konczak, L., & Breaugh, J. (2013). At your service: Blending science and practice to develop a customer service assessment tool. Applied H.R.M.Research, 13(1), 24-36. Retrieved from

This article describes specific strategies and factors that can be utilized to achieve the high quality customer services oriented in an organization. This article explains a detail a project that involves the development of a customer service oriented paper and pencil assessment. The purpose of this article was to share different approaches to be considered in order to achieve high quality services. The article included five practical challenges that the organizations can face in this project. Those challenges explain were (1) Cost effectiveness and administrative efficiency,(2) Get the attention to the stakeholders, (3)Diversity of the applicants, (4) Balance statistic and practical significance, and (5) Gather multiple forms of validity evidence. The authors created an assessment tools taking into consideration those five challenge. They created an assessment tool to measure employee performance for part time positions. The assessment tool has 27 items that can be done in ten minutes and it is ease to score by hand. The assessment tool was made by taking into consideration age and race diversity of the applicants. The assessment is ease to read with the fifth grade reading level. The authors highlight the necessity of doing more researchers to provide more evidence for using the different approaches used in the study to have better strategies in implementing an innovative and scientific assessment measures.


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